CHAPTER 25: Enemies? (Part II)

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Maya tried to calm herself as soon as she snapped awake. She felt strange, suddenly. And then her eyes opened, realizing she was not in her own bed and her shirt was sticking to her body, which was not normal because she never fell asleep without changing into her pyjamas.

She heard shuffling beside her and then an arm snaked itself around Maya's torso. And then it all crashed back to her. The previous night had been full of drama. She remembered her dad's angry face and how she ran to Carina's home. But Maya didn't remember falling asleep.

"How are you feeling?" Carina's raspy voice came into her ear and her senses almost went to overload. It had been surprising to Maya too when she realized that she might have feelings for her enemy-turned-friend. But she shoved them down as further as she could.

Maya turned to face Carina, trying not to let the blush creep up and trying not to think of the fact that they were lying on the same bed.

"Fine." Maya's voice sounded heavy from sleep. Maya had to be honest, though: that was the best sleep she'd ever had in a long while.

Carina hummed and pulled her closer, snuggling into her neck. A shiver ran down Maya's spine and she shuddered.

Carina felt the flutter in Maya but she chose not to say anything now.

"Do you think I can stay here for the rest of my life?" Maya whispered, letting her hands fall around Carina, wanting to pull her flush to her chest but she controlled herself.

Carina raised her head to look at her and smiled, "I have no problem with that. But your mom and brother need you."

Maya closed her eyes. "Yes..." She sighed, "I just... I feel so safe here. And I really don't want this to end so soon."

Carina raised herself on her elbow, keeping her head on her palm so she could look at Maya. "And you'll have me, always. Whenever you need me, wherever it is." She removed a strand of blond hair from Maya's face and tucked it behind her ear, "But right now, you need to call your mom."



"Thank you."


It didn't take long for Maya to start falling for Carina. She amused herself sometimes, thinking how she thought they were enemies and now every time she looked at her smile, her heart fluttered like the butterflies had suddenly escaped her stomach and spread out through her whole body. Maya was always conserved with herself, never letting anyone in and never letting anyone help her. But she felt vulnerable the other day when her dad had attacked her and Carina had been there for her, without taking advantage of the vulnerability. That was it for Maya. She knew she'd found that one hand she'd always keep her heart in.

Maya was in the library again– this time between classes to catch up on the left-out lectures and notes– when she felt a tap on her shoulder again.

"Hey, Bella." Maya couldn't ignore the tingle that ran through her bone when she heard the nickname. She turned around, took off her headphones and smiled as Carina took a seat beside her.

"Hey. Are you done with your classes?" Maya asked.

Carina nodded with a grin, "Yep. And guess what I just heard? Our last class is cancelled."

Maya raised her eyebrows, "It is? Why?"

Carina shrugged, lifting her shoulders comically, "I don't know something about some emergency Mr Walter was having at home."

"Oh." Maya grinned, "So what do we do for another one and a half hours?"

"We could... go have Froyo again." Carina bit her lip to contain a smile and Maya almost had a cardiac arrest.

Damn. Maya was so knee-deep in love and she wanted to do things to Carina. For instance, biting that lip just hear her groan in pleasure.

Maya shook her head off the thoughts and smiled at her again, "Whatever you want."

"Are you sure? We can go someplace you want to?" Carina offered but Maya shook her head.

"The only place I know is the track and the basketball court and I don't think that's a place you'd like."

Carina pouted, "You don't know that."

That made Maya smile wider, "You really want to see where I train?"

"I mean I know the thing with your dad and to be honest I hate it but I've seen you when you run. You like it. You become free and you get like a crinkle on your nose, which is very cute by the way." Carina laughed at her own words and Maya would have joined in too but she was busy staring at the brown orbs of the girl who spoke like she had just looked into her soul.

Maya looked around the library, making sure there was no one in their vicinity before turning her body completely to face Carina. "Okay, I'll take you to the tracks. But..."


"But there's something I need to do first."

Carina frowned but the smile didn't leave her face. "What?"

Maya's hands lifted to either side of Carina's face and she leaned into Maya's touch the moment her hands made contact with her skin. And then she leaned forward, sceptical at first, thinking Carina would stop her but when she didn't feel any protests from the other girls, she leaned further until their foreheads were touching. Maya let out a shaky breath when she felt Carina's hand covering her own.

She let her thumb brush on her lower lip, slightly.

"Bella." The sultry sound that escaped Carina's mouth made Maya almost lose control of herself. She tilted her face to one side, bumping their noses together as she did and kissed her.

It wasn't anything sensual yet, just a soft press of their lips together. Carina's grip tightened on Maya's hand and worked their fingers together, intertwining them.

Then the kiss progressed slowly. Carina had always been clear about her emotions and needs so she swiped her tongue on Maya's lower lip. She gasped and Carina took that as a chance to tangle their tongues together. Their hands went places. Maya's free hand dropped down to Carina's shoulder and Carina ran her hand on Maya's sides, then finally settling on her hip, gripping it hard to pull her even closer.

Maya had to mentally slap herself not to moan when Carina's tongue latched with her own in another battle for dominance. Carina held in a grunt, remembering they were in the library and one noise from either of them could get them caught.

Maya pulled away suddenly, both of them gasping for air. There was a grin plastering Maya's face and Carina couldn't help but grin back.

"You're okay with this?" Maya asked.

Carina raised an eyebrow, "Do you have any idea how many times I've resisted myself slamming you on a wall and kissing you senseless?"

Maya blushed so hard it looked like she was having a stroke, "God and I thought I was the only one with those thoughts."

"You're cute when you try not to show emotions but your eyes just shine and they give away everything you're trying to hide."

Maya bit her lip from smiling even wider. "You're cute too. Now can we go back to kissing?"

"You're the one who stopped."

"What, I had questions." Maya grabbed her face in her hands again, "But first let's get out of here. I don't want the librarian interrupting." 




A/N: So that's the second part as requested. It's a little short but I tried to make it cute. Haha. Anyway, it's a pleasure to be able to write again. If you have any requests or suggestions for any one shot, feel free to tell me. Okay, thanks guys and love you all.  <3

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