1. Morning (Edited)

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I reached out my hand, searching for my phone on the nightstand while keeping my eyes closed. When I found my phone I brought it up to my face, slowly opening my eyes and squinting at the bright screen to see what time it is, 4:47 a.m.


I said while realizing that this would be another sleepless night since I don't feel like trying to sleep any more. Another night I've spend tossing and turning, moaning and grunting in frustration. Trying to block a memory from surfacing only to have another one taking its place.

I've always had trouble sleeping at night. Some nights are better while others are horrible and frustrating. I always have a lot on my mind and I have this bad habit of over thinking everything, mostly in a negative way. I really hate that about myself but I can't help it, that's just the way I am. I guess I could blame my past for this unfortunate habit.

I sat up straight at the edge of my bed rubbing my eyes. I have to be at work at 8 a.m. so I still have a lot of time left. I got up wanting to take a shower to freshen up a bit. Hopefully the warm water would brighten up my morning mood and loosen up my tense and tired muscles.

I stood there under the pouring, warm water with my eyes closed, trying to clear my mind of all the thoughts that had crossed my mind tonight.

I got out of the shower and wrapped my half long auburn brown hair in a towel and taking a second towel wrapping it around my body.

I walked out of the bathroom and into the kitchen to turn on the coffee machine. I leaned against the counter waiting impatiently while tapping my foot on the cold white tiles to hear the beeping sound the machine makes to announce that the coffee is ready.

When I heard the beeping I turned around smirking as I was looking forward to take a sip of the hot beverage that could instantly wake me up from a drowsy state.

I sat down on the couch, turning my head sideways to look out of the window. It was getting a little brighter outside. The sky was clear and I couldn't see a single cloud in sight. I looked over to the vintage clock on the wall.

5:39 a.m. The sun has risen quiet early this morning, showing that summer is right around the corner.

"What am I going to do for the next hour and a half?"

I got up and walked into my bedroom. I opened my closet thinking about what I should wear at work today.

I work as an assistant in a movie production company called 'Rich Pictures'. I'm one of four assistants of Mr. Adam Richards who runs the place. He's a really nice and charming man. He wants to be a part of every movie that he accepts to sponsor and wishes to be part of the development.

I don't really like my job, but I need the money to pay the rent. He pays me just enough to support myself and save a little, maybe for college, but I'm not sure yet. I actually don't have a goal set for my future. I guess you could say that I haven't found my passion yet.

I took out a dark blue skinny jeans and a sleeveless white button shirt. Mr. Richards wants us to dress a bit professional but also comfortable. I put on my clothes and a pair of simple black pumps. I took the towel off my head and let my hair dry in their natural waves. I finished my coffee and sat back on my couch, closing my eyes to relax a little bit before I have to leave for work.

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