36. Despair

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*Roberts' POV*

"Mr. Downey can I speak to you for a moment?"

"Of course Dwayne. Is it about Veronica?"

"Correct sir. Turns out that she did get out of prison. No one knows how though. They're still investigating but rumor has it that she knows some powerful men in the drug industry since Marcus was quite powerful as well. They suspect that they got her out using a moll."

"This isn't good. Let me guess, here whereabouts are unknown?"

"Yes sir. Her picture has been send to every airport, bus station and train station so if she'd try and take public transport, the police will be arresting her in no time."

"That's not good enough. Of course she isn't going to take public transport. She's a wanted criminal. If she does know some higher ups in the drug industry, transport would be the least of her worries." I sighed.

"My men and I are protecting the girls with our lives sir. Don't worry about them."

"You're a great guy Dwayne, all of you but of course I worry. I just feel so helpless."

"I disagree sir. If it wasn't for you, they wouldn't be protected like they are now."

"I think I'm going crazy. We haven't heard anything about Veronica in three days. Who knows, maybe she's here in L.A. already planning something disastrous. Oh God, what if she'll succeed?!"

"You're thinking about it too much sir. It's not healthy, not for you and for the girls. They need you to stay positive and strong."

I let out a big sigh. "You're right. Thank you Dwayne. I hope you know that I consider you as a friend and not as my employee."

"Thank you sir."

Dwayne's phone started ringing and suddenly I couldn't shake the feeling that something bad is going to happen. It's probably nothing. This whole situation has just gotten to you.

"SIR! Make the call!!" Dwayne yelled all of a sudden. I have to make the call!


*Emilia's POV*

I'm going crazy! I've been stuck in this house for three days straight. I really appreciate Robert and his men for protecting us 24/7 but they won't even allow me to go outside and I really need some air. Maybe I can convince Robert to let me walk down the shore for an hour if I take a guard with me.

My phone? It's ringing. Who could be calling me? Oh God?! Could it be?!




"Smart girl." She's laughing. God her laugh is awful. I'm shivering in disgust.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" I spat out in my most sarcastic tone.

"No need to be so aggressive darling."

"Trust me Veronica. Soon you'll be rotting in prison again, where you belong!"

"Listen you little shit! I'm going to make you suffer in the most excruciating pain you can imagine!"

"I'd love to see you try you pathetic little bitch!"

"Oh darling, be careful what you wish for. I thought I taught you better than that."

"For the first time I'm happy about my memory loss. So I can't remember your disgusting face!"

"You fucking little whore. You think you're so smart aren't you and that you're safe from me. You have no idea what I'm capable of. I know where you are. They're keeping you locked up in that pretty house of your beloved Robert together with Sophie. Do you really think that his men can protect you all don't you? Here's what's going to happen darling. You're going to walk out of your pretty bedroom and you're going to walk down those stairs into the living room. You're going to shit yourself when you see Robert and his men down on the floor, all of them dead except for your pretty boyfriend. Nooo, I'm not going to kill him... yet. I'm going to make you watch. I'm going to make you watch while we torture him. You're going to cry your eyes out and you're going to beg on your knees to let him go. Then it's your time to be tortured while he watches and when I'm done messing up your pretty little face I'm going to kill him right in front of you but I won't kill you yet. I'm going to lock you up in your own little prison. His death is going to be imprinted in that head of yours and you're going to repeat it in your mind over and over again. You're going to blame yourself for everything and you're going to lose your mind. You'll go fucking crazy and then, when you've completely and utterly lost your mind, it's your turn to go to hell!!" She said very slowly, like she was purposely trying to talk longer than she should have. Like... like she is buying...time.

My phone dropped to the ground. I'm frozen. This can't be? My heart, I feel it everywhere. I'm going numb, I can't hear, I can't think. I can't control my body. It's moving on its own. Slowly it's making its way to my bedroom door, turning the door knob and opening it. I can't swallow, I can't blink. I can't do anything but walk, against my will. I'm trembling, like I'm in the middle of an earthquake. Please don't let this be true. I'm at the top of the stairs, slowly going downwards. It feels like I've been walking for hours. I'm downstairs. I'm facing the door that leads to the living room. It's closed. Please, let me find Robert smiling at me when I enter. Let me find Sophie laughing while she watches a movie. Let me find Dwayne sitting on a chair and calling someone like he's always doing. Let me walk towards Robert and let me be able to put my arms around him. Let me hear his soothing voice reassuring me.

My hand is on the door knob, its turning and pushing the door open...



I know its a short chapter and I'm sorry. Trying to build up the tension! 

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