35. Guardian Angel

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*Sophie's POV*

Emilia stood up and came walking towards me. She went to sit down on her knees before me. Why? She grabbed my hands and looked at me with so much worry and understanding.

"Soph, how are YOU feeling?" She asked in a whisper. She sees it. She sees me. Even with her memory loss and practically doesn't know me she sees. She can see into the deepest parts of me, into my soul. I can't hold it in anymore. I was trying so stay strong for her but I can't do it anymore. I broke.

"Emilia!" I yelled while crying. She stood up and put her arms around me.

"Why?! Why was I-I born into this fa-family?! Why c-can't I-I have a nor-normal family?! Who love each other! Ta-takes care of-of each other!" I started crying hysterically. I've been hiding this pain for far too long and now the bubble has burst!

"Shhht baby girl. It's going to be ok." She whispered in my ear. She cupped my face and brought mine facing hers. "You're going to me ok Sophie."

"I-it's not fair!"

"No it isn't. Trust me, you don't deserve this. Even if I could remember the years that I've spend with your family. I can't even imagine the pain this brings to you. They're your blood but Sophie. Their blood is cold and yours is warm. It's kind and gentle. It's soft but strong. It's passionate but innocent. Your blood is pure and full of love, creativity, freedom, sincerity and modesty. Don't you even dare think that you are like them. They're demons but you little princess, you're an angel. The most beautiful angel of all."

I'm stunned. My tears have changed. A minute ago they were tears of pain, self-pity and anger. She turned my tears of hatred in tears of love in just a few sentences.

"Emilia, I don't know- I don't know what I would do without you." My voice was shaking.

"I promise you little sister that you will never be without me. I'm here sweety and I'm here to stay, with you, forever and always." She placed her forehead against mine.

"I can't be grateful enough to have you in my life. You've done so much for me. You've raised me, took care of me, helped me in the most unimaginable ways, you've loved me and stood by me always and you've been through so much yourself. You've lost your family, you've lost friends, you've been through horror with my family and yet, you're here with a warm smile on your face for me. You've been fixing all my wounds so that they won't be turned into scars. You've shown me the brightest light in the consuming darkness. You've been pushing me forward while you had to stay behind. Emilia, you're wrong about me."

"What do you mean? I meant every word I said."

"You said that I'm the most beautiful angel of all. You're wrong because that's you. You're that angel Emilia and you're my angel. My guardian angel."

"I might be in your eyes but you are my wings little girl."

"I love you." I whispered.

"Love you too sweety."

*Roberts' POV*

She. Is. Incredible. No, there are just no words for it, for her. She is the definition of speechless. She's every single good word you can come up with and beyond. She's a gift, a magical one. To think that a little bump against my chest led us here. It's just... extraordinary. Just when I thought that I reached the ultimate limit of loving someone, she has proven me wrong. I love her more than a man could ever love a woman.

"She fell asleep." Emilia whispered.

"I'll take her to bed."

"Thank you." She smiled her wonderful smile at me. I stood up and walked over to Sophie. Picking her up as gently as possible and walked her up to her room with Emilia behind me. I slowly laid her down in bed and Emilia took off her shoes. She covered her with her blanket and kissed her forehead whispering sweet nothings in her ear. She then turned to me.

"Can you stay for the night?" She asked a little nervously.

"You didn't had to ask. I was planning on it anyway."

"Oh, thank you but..." She looked down, blushing.

"I'll stay with you if that's what you want."

She looked up at me smiling and nodded. I couldn't contain a chuckle and she blushed again. I followed her to her room and sat on the edge of the bed while she went into her bathroom to change into her pajamas. She came out wearing an oversized white t-shirt. She probably doesn't know that it's mine. She went to lay down on her bed and looked up at me.

"Robert?" She whispered.


"Promise me something."


"If something ever were to happen to me..."

"It won't Emilia. I won't let that happen."

"But if it did. Promise that you'll watch over Sophie?"

"I promise." I whispered.

"Thank you." She whispered back. She's so selfless. She just got news that a crazy woman wants to kill her but here she is focusing all her worry and attention to her little sister instead of herself. I kicked off my shoes and went to lay down next to her on my back, facing her. She kept on staring in my eyes and I sure as hell wasn't going to look away from her beautiful gaze. We laid like that for minutes. She came a closer to me, propping herself up on her elbows. She gently placed a hand on my cheek, caressing it with her thumb and I let her. I loved it. She suddenly leaned in closer to me.

There they are. I've missed them so much. Her soft and beautiful lips against mine. She gave me a soft kiss holding it for a few seconds and went to lay back down, still facing me.

"What was that for? Not that I'm complaining!" I said. I was blushing! I couldn't even believe it myself but I definitely am!

She giggled. "I think I'm falling for you again."

"You have no idea how happy that makes me Emilia." I whispered. Really, there are no words to describe the happiness she just gave me.

"Can I listen to it?" She asked so innocently. I knew that she was referring to my heart. I grabbed her waist, pulling her closer to me. She placed her head and hand on my chest. Shivers went down my spine while she was caressing my chest. I kissed her softly on her head.

"Goodnight Emilia."

"Goodnight Robert."

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