23. What I think about you

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I heard Roberts' car riding onto the driveway. Perfect timing! I walked out of the front door and jumped in his car. I was really excited to go out with Robert again. I've missed our time together, our random talks and everything had been so stressful lately and I just wanted to forget about it for today and Robert always seemed to keep my mind preoccupied with his crazy personality. I couldn't help but wonder if this was actually a date.

His attitude changed towards me since I've been back. He seemed more distant from me. He used to be so clingy and flirtatious all the time but he didn't try to pull any of that stuff on me anymore. I'm kind of sad about it though, as much as I hate to admit it. I just miss the way he made me feel. The heat, my heart, the shivers and shaking. I guess he just wants us to be friends now. It didn't surprise me though. Not after I had left him so suddenly without a proper explanation and after he found out that I was using again.

I'm having a lot of trouble controlling myself though. I still feel a strong need for the drug but I will not allow myself to give in anymore. It really messes up my mind and body sometimes. I sometimes feel like I'm PMS-ing a 100 harder than normal. I can tell that Sophie is getting better bit by bit. The first week was the hardest though. She's be screaming, throwing and knocking things down when she lost control over her but I was always there to calm her down and bring her back to her senses. It was worst the first time when we tried to get clean but we were living on the streets so it was a hard environment as well but Robert was so kind to let us stay at his guesthouse since I broke the contract with my apartment.

Things were going really well. I'm still looking for a job. Robert asked me if I still wanted to play the role in the movie with him but I told him that I'd think about it. They were going to start shooting it in 8 months but I had to make a decision in 2 weeks. I wasn't sure if I wanted to be an actress. I don't really like the attention. But I liked the fact that I could be someone else for a moment.

We were sitting in silence the entire drive but it was a comfortable one. I saw Robert looking over at me sometimes when I was singing along with a few songs on the radio. He parked the car and got out to open my door for me. We were standing in front of the little diner Robert had brought me the first time he asked me to have lunch with him. I smiled a broad smile when I remembered everything what had happened that day.

"I remember this place." I said softly.

"I hoped you would." He said winking at me.

We sat down in the same booth we sat in last time and ordered the same thing. We were the only ones in here so he didn't had to hide himself by putting on a hat like he did last time.

"It feels like we're on replay or something." He said smirking at me.

"Haha, yeah it does. I like it though. I loved this place." I started giggling all of a sudden.

"What?" He asked curiously.

"It's nothing, just that. The last time we were here I came to the realization that you weren't actually all that bad and annoying."

"Oh is that so?!" He asked 'fake' surprised and I started to laugh.

"So if you don't find me bad and annoying anymore, what DO you think of me huh?" He asked jokingly.

"Oh no, don't get me wrong. I still think that you're bad and annoying but some other stuff too."

He laughed. "Like what?"

I hesitated for a moment. "Well, you're actually pretty charming..."

"Yeeess?" He said in a way like he was expecting me to say more.

"Uhmm, funny too and really sweet when you want to. You can be very caring and become overly worried sometimes. You're understanding but you're also very impatient unless when we're talking about something serious."

He chuckled. "You make me sound like I'm perfect." He said jokingly.

I smirked at him. "Oh but don't forget extremely childish, immature, cocky, a snuck up, weird, and like I said before bad and annoying." I said and started to laugh, he soon joined after looking surprised at me.

"You want to know what I think about you?" He said in a serious tone staring intensely in my eyes.

"Sure." I whispered.

"I think you're an amazing, strong woman. You have so much love to give and are so concerned about other's wellbeing. You're extremely funny even though you don't try to be. You're adorable when you try to act angry or confident even though it's obvious that you're faking it but you seem to think that you're doing a great job at pretending. You'd always place someone you care about first and worry too much as well. You can be really stubborn sometimes and I love your sarcasm. You're really scary when you're angry. You can always make me smile. You're genuine and honest and I could go on but most of all.. you're beautiful."

He ended. He never left my eyes and I could feel my face burning. I was completely speechless. He said so many nice things about me. I could feel my heart beating in my chest again. I really felt like hugging him but I didn't. I just reached over putting my and on top of his.

"Thank you Robert." I whispered.

"Oh!! And the sex was amazing too." He said smirking.

I slapped his hand. "God, you're unbelievable!" I said while leaning back and crossing my arms.

"Unbelievable handsome, I know."

"Oh here we go again." I rolled my eyes but couldn't stay serious for long and started laughing with him.

The waitress brought our food and we were talking about random and weird stuff again. Like what animal we would've been if we were born as one and stuff. He seriously can make some weird conversations but they were funny as hell. This was just what I needed. He was exactly what I needed right now.

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