12. Sneaky

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I woke up but kept my eyes closed. I sighed with a smile on my face. I slept really, really good! I was really hot. My bed never felt this warm before. I then felt my head raising up a little and coming back down. What the..? I slowly moved my hand over my pillow and I thought that it was kind of hard. I then felt something warm grabbing my hand and I opened my eyes. I looked up and saw a still sleeping Robert. I was shocked. My head was on his chest, he held me close to him with his arm and our legs were intertwined. What happened last night?! I looked down at our bodies and sighed in relief. We were still wearing our clothes which meant that nothing happened!

I tried wiggling out of his strong grip but he just held me closer to him harder. I looked up at him furrowing my eyebrows.

"Robert." I whispered. No reaction. "Robert." I said in my normal voice. Still no reaction. "Robert!" I said louder and he groaned. Gosh that was sexy.

"What? I'm sleeping." He said in a low morning voice. That was so sexy as well.

"Yes I can see that but why are you sleeping in my bed?"

He let out a big sigh. "Because you asked me to." His eyes were still closed.

"What? No I didn't."

He sighed and opened his eyes slightly and looked at me squinting.

"You fell asleep on the couch last night so I tucked you in bed. I was about to leave but you grabbed my hand and mumbled, asking me to stay with you. So I did."

"Wha-? Wauw, I must've been really tired if I asked YOU to sleep with ME." I said giggling.

"Oh please.. You know you liked it." He said smirking at me.

"You wish.." I said in a serious tone and sat up straight rubbing my eyes.

"Don't goo... I'm cold!" He said in a childish, whining voice.

"I need my coffee and you need to leave."

"I like coffee and why?"

"Because.. I need to shower and-..." I stopped talking. I didn't have anything plan for today. Mr Richards gave me a 2 week vacation to start preparing myself for out upcoming movie.

He smiled deviously at me. "And what Emilia?"

"I-I need to go to work." I mentally face palmed myself. That was a horrible lie.

"Nice try missy, but you don't have to work."

I groaned at him.

"That's cute." He said.

I got up and walked towards the kitchen. I really needed my coffee if I was going to have to deal with him this early in the morning.

Robert walked in the kitchen going through his hair. Even his morning hair was so sexy. Damnit! I must be looking like a troll right now. He then started to open all the closets in the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" I asked

He just simply replied: "Mug... coffee..."

"You can just ask you know?"

"Trying to be funny.." He said in a normal tone.

"Idiot." I dryly replied.

He leaned against the counter behind me. I could feel his eyes staring at me. I turned around an gave him his coffee. I think he needs it more than I do.

"Spank you." He said winking at me.


He chuckled and that made me smile.

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