Hi guys!!

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Let me start by thanking every single one of you for reading my story! You have no idea how big my gratitude is!

I just finished writing chapter 36 and let me tell you, you have absolutely no idea what I have in store for you guys! It's going to get emotional and scary, romantic and funny. I've got some major plot twists lining up and it's only going to get worse!

You're going to hate me for what I've written but you're going to love it even more! Well, I hope so! Because I do and I never really appreciate my own work or feel proud of what I've made but this really is different for me. I'm loving every single word I'm typing. It's like a miracle or something and I can't wait for you guys to read it!

Even if you don't like it! I'd love you to be honest with me. I can only learn from that!

I just wanted to share this with you guys ;)

Enjoy your day or read!


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