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My name is Leonardo loud and I am the only boy in my family.

I have five little sisters, I would do anything for my sister's, and I mean anything.

My family is everything to me, but I have a secret that my family doesn't know about.

The secret that I have is that I started my own mafia.

I am trying to keep my family safe from everything and everyone.

Knowing that my family would be put in danger, I have to leave to make sure that they would be safe.

Lori,Leni,Luna,Luan, and Lynn Jr. I know that four of my little sisters would be mad at me.

But they need to understand that I am growing up.

I have my own room, and sometimes I lock my door when I do something.

Well, hopefully, I have a baby brother that I can protect from the real world.

I am not going to leave my family when they need me the most, and I will fight to be here for my little siblings.

As I was talking in my head, someone jumped on me and started giggling like crazy.

I looked and saw my five little sisters, there well come a time when they wouldn't need their big brother.

Leni:"Leo, can you play dress up with us, please?" Leni said, giving the puppy eyes, I can't say no to my little princess.

I have nicknames for my sister's. Lori is my little sunshine,Leni, my princess, Luna, my rock and roll star, Luan, my little joker, Lynn is my spotty.

Leonardo:"Ok, my little princess, I well play dress up and later I have to go out." I've said, my little sisters think that I am going out to hang with my friends.

Leni ran off to get some makeup and dress.

I am going to regret this, but it's for my little princess.

Yeah, I definitely regret playing dress up with my little sisters.

Plus, they know that I couldn't say no to them. They are my baby sisters.

I always wanted a baby brother and to teach him stuff. Sure, I thought Lynn had some sports, but I just wanted a little brother.

Mom is pregnant again, and it's probably a baby girl again.

Just then, my phone went off like crazy. Everyone in my mafia knows not to call me right now.

Luan ran to get my phone, and I just knew something happened if my second in command was calling me right now.

Luan:"Hello, who is this?" Luan said to whoever has called me.

Whoever is talking to my little joker is dead, I told them to never call me only if there is trouble going on.

The look on Luan's face is telling me that someone is yelling at her.

I walked over to Luan and took my phone so I could yell at whoever was on the other line.

Nobody yells at my little sisters and gets away with it if someone yells at my little sisters. That person wouldn't live for a long time.
*on the phone*

Leonardo: Who is this, and why did you call me.

Unknown: Leonardo, it's me, storm.

Leonardo: Storm, baby, what is going on, and why did you call me for baby girl.

Storm: Leo, I went on a mission that you told me to, and one of your enemies is coming after you and probably your family.

Leonardo: Baby, look, I can handle everything that comes my way. And I will protect my family, look if they come after me they are gone. Ok, baby girl.

Storm: ok, hunny bunny, can you come over later? I've brought something and I want you to see it.

Leonardo: Baby girl, you better get ready for me. Oh, and baby, I need you to do one more thing.

Storm: What do you want, Leo?

Leonardo: Baby girl, send me a pic of what you brought.

Storm: ok, Leo, but you might not like what it is.

Leonardo: Baby girl, if it's something that I think it is, then yay, baby girl.

Storm; ok hun, but come over whenever, Daddy.

*end of phone call*

After I ended the phone call, I had the biggest smile on my face right now.

Storm, she is my girlfriend and she is one of my best assassins there is, I love storm and I would do anything for my baby girl.

Lori:"Leo, who was that?" Lori asked me, right? Nobody knows that I have a girlfriend or anything.

Leonardo:"Guys, that was a storm. She is my girlfriend." When I said girlfriend, my little sisters have this big smile on their face.

That's all I wanted to see is my little sisters being happy and smiling.

Family is everything to me, and pretty soon, I will be going to college for business.

I am going to miss out on everything with my little sisters.

It's going to hurt like hell not being around my sister's or my parents.

My sisters know that I am not going to be around, and pretty soon, I am going to have my own place and start my own family.

I would like to have children and some babies running around.

Me and Storm haven't talked about having any children with each other.

But Storm knows that I would love to have children one day.

But that day isn't going to be now, storm and I are still young.

So we are going to wait and get married and then have kids.

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