chapter 4

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We finally got to great lake city hospital, I just hope that Jon isn't hurt that much.

You see, being a mafia leader comes with responsibility, and I need to make sure that all of my members are ok.

If my best friend died, then that would be it for me because Jon is always there for me, and I am always there for him.

That is how Jon and I are, we sometimes fight, but later on, we are still good friends and everything like that.

Lincoln looked at me to see if I was alright, but I'm not ok or anything like that.

Lincoln:"Leo, you ok, brother?" Lincoln asked me. It's nice to have someone to worry about me.

Leonardo:"I'm ok, Lincoln, it's just Jon has been my best friend since I've left Royal Woods. Jon has been there for me when I lost my wife to cancer and that I almost lost myself drinking my life away. It was hard, little brother. The things that happened to me were really bad." I could feel myself wanting to cry, but I am not going to cry in fort of my siblings. I have to stay strong for them.

I just need something to get my mind off the sad things going on in my life.

Leonardo:"Hey, you know what. I just realized something awesome, and I know that Lori is going to be upset with me about later." When I've said that, all of my siblings looked at me to see what I had in mind.

Leonardo:"I am going to make it up to guys that we couldn't be at the mall today, but I know something that we could do before I have to go to work. We could get something cold and sweet." When I told them that, my sister Lola looked at me, knowing what I've said.

I have faith that Lola won't say anything to everyone because it's going to be a very fun day.

We finally arrived at the hospital that Jon was in.

I have a feeling that something isn't right, George called me and not anyone else.

And if Jon pulls a prank on me, that boy would be hurt before I shoot his ass.

We all got out of the car and walked right in the hospital. George told me what room number I should go to.

Just as we got there, I heard Jon screaming about something, so I told my siblings to wait out here for me.

I walked into the hospital room and saw Jon screaming at George about calling me.

Then I knew something wasn't right, so I am going to ask Jon one little question.

Leonardo:"Ok, who in the hell shot you?" I've asked and scared them it is so funny. See them all scared like.

George:"Boss, Jon is fine. He only got shot in the shoulder." George told me, so Jon only got shot in the shoulder. Is he for real right now.

Leonardo:"Ok, so Jon, who shot you in the shoulder." I know that Jon has been doing something so stupid.

Jon:"Fine, it was this girl that I've been seeing. Come to fine out, she was one of my ex-girlfriends, and then she shot me for NO reason." Jon finished saying.

Sometimes, I worry about Jon and how many girlfriends he had in the past.

Leonardo:"Jon, that isn't funny. I told you never to play with any girls feelings. I should know because I have ten sisters and a little brother." I placed my hands on my face. Everything is going to change for the better or for the worst.

Jon needs to know that being a player, there would be a day that he might get a girl pregnant and not knowing about it.

So that is why I am trying to tell Jon not to be a player. It's not a game it's real life, but to Jon, it is a game for him.

Leonardo:"Jon, look, you are a player. And a player only plays with every girls heart. That is why I am trying to tell you to stop and listen to what everyone is trying to say. One of these days, you are going to get a girl pregnant, and you wouldn't know about or be there for them, I was a player like you, Jon. But I stopped and looked back on what I did. Don't make that mistake like I did." I was a player before I met Storm, and she had changed me to who I am today.

That is why I wouldn't fine love again. Nobody can take storms' place in my heart.

And with that being said, I got up and walked out the door, and I just hope Jon would know what I am talking about.

Leonardo:"Come on guys, let's go." I've said and walked right out of the hospital, I've started to think about storms and how she wanted me to find happiness again.

But I don't think I can find happiness again. Storm was my happiness and the love of my life.

All of my siblings come out of the hospital, and they look a little sad about something.

I would need to know what got them all sad like that.

My siblings got into the car, and Lincoln sat in the front seat again.

Lincoln:"Leo, are you going to leave us?" I looked at Lincoln because he said something that I never thought that I would hear from my baby brother.

Leonardo:"Why would I leave for, I just got back. And I don't plan on leaving just yet, but I would say this. Nobody is going to leave, not evening me, I am here to stay, and I miss everything. And I am trying to make everything right." I know that what I've said is true, I am not going to leave my siblings.

If I ever got married again, I still wouldn't leave my siblings or my family that I have right now.

Even if Lori and I got into a fight, I would never leave again.

And that is a promise that I am going to keep.

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