chapter 8

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I was driving home, and I started to think about all the good times I had with my wife.

Storm is my whole world, and she was the queen of my world.

But now my Queen is dead, and now nobody could ever rule my world like Storm did.

Then I started to think of what pop pop said to me and how to move on from my dead wife.

It's going to hurt, and I'm going to be sad, but I have to try to date again, and yeah, I'm not going to rush into a relationship with just anyone.

I would take it nice and slow because I would always jump into bed with about just anyone, and I don't want to do that at all.

I looked and I was home, so I turned my car off and got my things together so I didn't forget anything impotent in my car.

Because awhile back my car got broken into and the stoled everything in my old car.

That was way before I started my own mafia.

When I got inside the house I looked and saw my sister's talking about something.

So I made sure to be quiet and not say a word.

The only one who knows that I'm here is Leni, and I put my finger in front of my mouth so she would know to keep quiet of me being here.

Lori:"Ok, has anyone seen Lincoln,Lucy,Lola,Lana,Lisa, and Lily at all today."

Luna:"Dude, I haven't seen them at all only at breakfast this morning."

Lynn:"They couldn't just disappear or be this quiet this long."

Luan:"I would make a joke about this, but Lori is right. Where could they be?"

Leni:"Like, why not ask Leo about where they went he could help." When Leni said that Lori looked at her like if she was crazy or something like that.

Lori:"We don't need Leonardo at all because what is he going to do? Nothing at all. So no, Leni, Leo isn't going to help us find our younger siblings." Lori yelled out, and I know that Leni is sad because Lori yelled at her.

I looked at Leni, and I know she is about to cry.

So I walked towards Leni and hugged her like no tomorrow.

It is pretty messed up that Lori yelled at Leni, and Lori knew that Leni didn't like it when someone yelled at her.

Leonardo:"It's ok, princess, look how about you make me something awesome and I could wear it." I know Leni loves fashion clothes, so why not be her model when she makes my clothes.

Leni has a smile on her face she hugged me for a little bit longer and after our hug she left to find some clothes for my clothes.

When I knew Leni was gone and couldn't hear anything from her shared room with Lori.

I looked at Lori with my arms crossed and waited for any one of my three sisters to start talking to me.

When nobody wanted to tell what was going on so I started to talk.

Leonardo:"Hmmm, nobody wanted to talk to me and tell me why y'all lost our younger siblings. And Lori, you were in charge when mom and dad are at work." I know where Lincoln,Lucy,Lola,Lana,Lisa, and Lily are at, but I wanted to mess with Lori.

Luna,Luan, and Lynn looked at me with their heads hanging down.

They feel guilty for not looking after our younger siblings.

Lori didn't say anything to me, and I just knew something was going on, but what.

Just as I was about to say something, Lincoln's friend Clyde walked out of the door.

And that was when Lincoln,Lucy,Lola,Lana,Lisa, and Lily came downstairs.

That's when Lori,Luna,Luan, and Lynn looked at them with anger in their eyes.

Lincoln looked and saw me standing here with our sisters.

Lori:"Where have you guys been at all day!!" Lori yelled once more, and I'm just getting tired of her yelling at our younger siblings.

Lincoln:"Well, we were in the attack looking for something. And I need to talk to Leonardo for a minute." Lincoln graded my hand and pulled me upstairs towards his room.

When we got inside his room, Lincoln made sure nobody was listening.

Leonardo:"I know you guys were in my room." When I said that, Lincoln looked at me and realized what I'm talking about.

Lincoln sat on his bed and held a bunny.

That bunny looks familiar, then I remembered that I've made that stuff bunny because I thought that I was having a baby sister.

Lincoln:"Look, Leo, I'm sorry for going in your room." Lincoln looked at his bunny with sadness in his eyes.

Leonardo:"I'm not mad about y'all going in my room at all. Look, Linc, I knew you were going to fine my hidden room anyway. But I was hoping you would be in there. I wrote a letter to you saying if you found my room it would go to you nobody else but you Linc." I promise my room to my baby brother, but I was hoping he would have found it way before anything happened.

Lincoln:"So if I found your room before, I wouldn't live in this lending closet. Leo, I didn't know anything about you, and I'm sorry for not hanging out with you today." I know Lincoln feels bad at what happened today, but I'm not mad at him or anyone.

I sat next to Lincoln on his bed and looked at the stuff bunny rabbit.

Leonardo:"But I do see one thing that you found." Lincoln looked at me, and I pointed at the bunny rabbit in his hands.

Lincoln:"This is bun bun. She helps me when everything goes wrong or someone that I always talk to and she listing to me." I feel like I should have been there for my brother, and then he wouldn't be sad or anything like that.

Leonardo:"Let's change the subject, so you wanted to tell me something. Look Linc I'm here and I'm going to listen to your questions and I'm going to answer everything ok." Lincoln nodded his head, and I know something is on his mind.

Lincoln:"I'm confused, Leo. I don't know what I like anymore. If like boys or girls? I don't know any more, Leo." When Lincoln was done, I remember that was me when I was Lincoln's age.

But I had nobody to talk to about this. I had to find out on my own. But I'm here now for Lincoln and tell him everything is fine and that's ok.

Leonardo:"Lincoln, I had nobody talking to me about sexuality. I had to find out on my own, but you don't have to worry about that brother. It's fine if you like girls and boys that make you bisexual, and if you like boys, then you're gay. But if you like girls then you're straighter than a pencil." I looked, and I saw Lincoln smiling at what I said, and that made me happy to see my siblings smiling.

Lincoln:"So you're saying that I'm now just fining out my sexuality?" I looked at him, and I started to think of what to say to my baby brother.

Leonardo:"Yeah, well, take me for an example. I'm bisexual and I had both boys and girls following me throughout high school and college." Lincoln started to think about what I'm saying, and hopefully, he won't become a player like me.

I want to know who my baby brother loves, but I should stay out of his love life.

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