chapter 9

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I stayed with Lincoln so we can talk some more.

It's nice to know that I'm having this talk with my baby brother about his love life.

Lincoln started to tell me what I've missed out on and when he told me about a sister fight protocol.

I was like, what the hell. He also said it was bad and how our sisters kicked him out of the kitchen, bathroom, and his own bedroom.

And where was mom and dad at when all of this was going down.

Lincoln looked at me, and he could tell that I was mad right now.

Who would do such a thing to their younger brother and / or siblings.

If I was here and I didn't leave, I would've helped my baby brother with everything that was going on.

And you know something, now that I'm back I'm going to have a talk with everyone in this family.

Oscar went home with Susan, and he said that he had fun hanging out with me.

Lincoln:"Leo, please don't do anything it would only make it worse."

Leo:"Lincoln, I just can't let this go just like that. I got to do my job as the eldest sibling and what you just told me. I can't believe what I just heard Lori and Leni fighting over a stupid dress. Don't they know that most sisters like being twins. I can't, Lincoln, I have to say something. And where was mom and dad at?"

Lincoln looked around his room, trying to figure out what to say to me.

Lincoln:"In their bedroom with Lily."

It's nice to know that Lily Flower wasn't in that mass with our sisters.

Leo:"You know what, I think that I should take you and Lily somewhere, Lincoln. Because right now, I just need to cool off and not kill anyone."

I got up and walked out of Lincoln's room.

Everything is going crazy and I know everything that they did, and I will have a sibling meeting.

The meeting is going to be tonight and every one of my siblings is going to be there.

I walked downstairs and went into the living room and layed down on the couch.

So many things are going in my head right now.

It's hard to think that there is a sister fight protocol.

It's stupid. Why not just sit down and talk it out with your siblings.

Well, because Lori doesn't believe in that kind of stuff.

And I can't get over the fact that mom and dad didn't stop them from fighting.

I'm going to bring everything up at the siblings' meeting, and let's see what they have to say.

Lily:"Lee Lee." I hear my baby sister calling me.

So I picked Lily up and put her on my chest.

Leo:"Oh Lily flower, what am I going to do. Lincoln told me about this sister fight protocol. And if you ask me, I don't like that idea at all. Lily, I'm the eldest sibling there is, and yeah, I came up with plans all the time. But I'm hurt to know that our sisters fight our something so stupid. My friend Josh, he has 10 brothers and only 1 sister. And he and his brothers never fight over anything because they knew it would break their sister heart if they fight. I'm hurt because none of them are going to talk to me or hang out with me. But hey, at least you and Lincoln are getting used to having me here."

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