Chapter 11

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I finally got done with the paperwork that I had. As I got up, my office door opened up, and Jon walked in, looking so mad about something.

When Jon gets mad or in a really piss off mood, he will walk in some rooms without knocking.

He wouldn't know that he does it, but at the same time, Jon likes to be himself around me, and he mostly walks into my office just to cool off or something like that.

Leo:"Umm, Jon, is everything okay?" I'm worried about Jon because he is like a brother to me, and yeah, I worried him.

I know that Lincoln is my baby brother, but Jon was always there for me, and I always thought that I wouldn't have a baby brother.

But I see Jon as a brother, nothing more than anything.

Jon:"Leo, I'm ready to kill Max. Because he is getting on my nerves a lot, and I'm about to snip." Jon yelled out. Normally, Jon would be the claim one and kind.

But Jon could be violent when he needs to be, but at the same time, he still cares about just anyone.

Leo:"Okay, let's just torcher Max some more an till he is begging for death. Because he knows who the mole is right now and we need to find that mole before something happens. Because not only are we in trouble but so is our family's and we need to put a stop to this person like right now." I see Jon taking some deep breath to keep a level head.

Jon, he has a family, but nobody knows about them, just me.

It is his parents and his younger siblings, and I know that Jon is worried about his family.

I'm worried about my family as well.

Leo:"I got an idea, how about this we take our family's to the cabin on the lake. You know, like a holiday or a vacation like." Jon looks at me and thinks about what I've said, and it's been a while since I've seen his family.

Jon:"Ok Leo, let me tell my family about this, and we'll see what they think, and I call you." Jon said and left to tell his family what is going on.

You see, Jon's family knows about the mafia, and they always say that they are happy for us or they are very proud.

But now I have to convince my family to come to the cabin on the lake and lets just hope they say yes.

But knowing my sister's, they probably put it to a vote.

Pray for me, and hopefully, this goes alright and that Lori wouldn't pick up a fight with me.

I finally got back home and I'm tried as fuck and ready to get to bed.

But I need to tell my family that we could go on a holiday with me and my friend and his family.

As I got inside my heart stopped because I can see my baby brother with two black eyes and they look like they hurt.

I'm more then mad, I'm furious at what the girls have done and I'm tried of this.

Leo:"FAMILY MEETING RIGHT NOW." I yelled at the top of my lungs because I'm furious right now because I see my baby brother hurt after I had a talk with my sister's.

This isn't going to go unpunished because right now I see Red.

My whole family came downstairs, my sister's looked scared because I seen Lincoln with two black eyes.

Leo:" Does anyone want to explain to me why does Lincoln have two black eyes." I said getting so furious and Lori,Leni,Luna and Luan knows when I get mad my eyes turn a dark red color.

Lola:"Leo, it was Lori who hurt Lincoln. And me and the other girls tried to stop and mom and dad were getting food for the house and they didn't know." Lola said and I'm glad Lola told me the truth.

I looked at Lori and she knows that I'm furious right now but she didn't say a thing to me.

Mom and dad walked towards Lincoln to check up on him.

I walked towards Lincoln to see if something happened.

Leo:"Lincoln what happened after I left?"

Lincoln looked at me and I could see that something did happen after I have left.

Lincoln:"When you left, Lori looked so mad and angry because I told you everything that happened. And I guess she didn't like it at all and the next thing I know is that I woke up. Luna told me what happened and how Lori beat me to where I blackout. That's all I know Leo."

I looked at the girls and they all nodded yes to everything Lincoln had said.

It's mass up that Lori is abusing her role as the older sister.

Mom:"That is it girls, me your dad and Leo have been thinking that it would be best to pushed you for the stuff you did. To everything that wasn't Lincolns fault but your owns as of right now Lori your grounded for what you did to Lincoln." Mom said and the girls looked so surprised on what mom just said.

Lori looks ready to hurt someone and that someone is me, I don't know what I did to make Lori so mad and angry at me but it needs to stop before something happens.

Lori:"What, your grounded me because Leo is back and making everything worse then it is. He has everyone of you wiped around his fingers and I bet you Storm isn't dead and he just said that so we can feel sorry for him." I rolled my eyes when Lori said all of the things that she made up.

How did I made up stuff about my wife being when she is dead.

Leo:"Tell me, how did I make something up and how do I have everyone wiped around my fingers. When I just got back like 7 days ago oh, I know what is going on now. Your mad and angry at me for no reason at all because of what nothing. So you better stop being mad at me for no reason."

Lori:"I have my reason to be mad at you. You came back here being all ' hi everyone it's me Leonardo and I'm your big brother ' I spent years trying to get everyone over you when you left."

Leo:"When I left, Lori I was married I couldn't stay here with Storm. We talked about having a family of our own. So your standing here talking about how I left and never returned an till now. You know something, I shouldn't have came back if I knew that you would be like this. So guess what princess, you are not getting rid of me that fast."

I have had enough of Lori and how she is trying to turn our siblings against me for no reason at all.

I cool down a bit so that I could tell my family something and hopefully they'll say yes.

Leo:"Well I was thinking about how would you all like to go on a holiday with me, my friend and his family. We are going to my cabin on the lake."

Mom and Dad started to think about it and all of my sister's left to probably take a vote on it or something like that.

Dad:"It sounds wonderful Leo, we all can go tomorrow morning as a family." I'm happy to spend some time with my family.

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