chapter 1

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*the present*


It's been years since I've seen my family or met my new little siblings.

I kept in contact with my parents, and I helped them out, mom had a baby boy and named him Lincoln.

And now I have a baby brother that I always wanted. But I need to finish everything right now so I can go home.

You see, I am married to storm, storm isn't doing so good right now she is home resting.

I am worried about my wife. She means everything to me, and we've been together since middle school.

My life would be over if something happens to my wife.

Storm told me that she wants to have kids with me, but the storm has cancer really badly, and I am afraid that I might lose my wife and child.

My life is kinda over right now instead of going home. I am heading to the hospital right now because  Storm isn't doing so well right now.

I finally arrived at the hospital, and I am praying that my beautiful wife is ok.

Knowing that I am losing the love of my life. It's going to be hard for me to say goodbye to my wife.

Leonardo:"Hey, I want to know what room my wife Storm loud is in." I said to the lady at the front desk.

She didn't look at me or anything, she is just sitting there not doing her job.

Leonardo:"Are you listening to me right now." I am getting so mad right now. If this lady doesn't tell me where my wife's room is at I am going to kill this woman.

Desk lady:"Look, man, I don't get paid a lot, so no, I am not going to tell you anything." The Lady said she doesn't know who I am. Well, I am going to show her who I am, and she will know that I don't play around.

Leonardo:"If you don't tell me what room my wife is in, I swear to you. If I don't see my dying wife, you would never work in any hospitals ever again. So my wife name is storm loud." When I told her my wife's name, her face went pale white, and it's really funny to see.

Desk lady:"I am so sorry, Mr.loud. I didn't know it was you. Silly me right." She thinks that she will play it off like it never happened.

I don't play like that, and who hired her because she looks like a whore right now.

Leonardo:"You know something, I could fire you and everything. But I am not going to do that, but your boss might and you don't know that there are cameras all of this hospital. And some here in the front, so say like your boss was looking back at this and see you not doing your job and then BOOM he fired your sorry ass." I am telling the truth to her and I know most girls don't like to truth being told to them.

I always told storm the truth of what I was doing and were I was going.

Storm always tell me that she trust me and everything. But sometimes I don't tell my wife everything and later I feel guilty on not telling her.

I walked into storms hospital room and see her laying there not doing anything.

My wife is always up and walking around doing stuff, but know she is laying down and she is on her death bed right now.

And I can't do anything without my wife and queen. Nobody is going to take storms place nobody.

Storm:"Leo, hey handsome." Storm said, I walked up to her bed.

And at that moment I wanted to break down and cry my eyes out.

My baby girl is dying, and I feel like my heart can't take it anymore.

Leonardo:"Hey beautiful mama, how are you feeling right now." I always ask storm that, because I want to know if she is in pain or not.

Storm:"Leo, today I started to feel really bad and I throw up blood again. Leo promise me that you will fine love and happiness again." Storm said, she has been telling me to fine happiness and love again.

But I will always love storm no matter what.

Leonardo"Ok I promise storm. Hey baby did your parents come and visit you yet?" So you see storm's parents they don't like me for some random reason.

Storm:"They haven't visit yet Leo, I am giving them time to come around." Storm always fine away to talk good about her parents and I am upset that they are not here to see their daughter for the last time.

Leonardo:"Babe, I am tired of your parents not coming around and seeing you or anything. When we lost our first baby you cried and calling your mom to come over and she never did storm. Like with my mom, she came and hugged you because it hurts my mom to see you cry." When I was done storm has tears in her eyes and she knows that it is true.

Storm:"I know Leo, but I want to give them a chance to be around us again." Storms parents are never coming around ever because they made it pretty clear at the wedding that they hate me and how they are never going to be anywhere near me and storm.

Leonardo:"Look baby let's just stop talking about your parents, how about we dance to our song." I've said, every time storm brings up her parents it upsets me because all they think about is Shelley.

Like Shelley this and Shelley that, It bugs me to no end.

My wife, she would always come first before anyone or anything.

Everyone that are in my mafia are sad because storm is like a sister to everyone.

She'll make them laugh when they are sad.

That is the person that my wife is, she loves everyone and everyone loves her.

It's going to be hard for everyone to heal the wounds that are about to come.

Storm, she is everybody's light to their darkest day.

I am going to be more hurt then anyone in my mafia because hey storm is my wife and she is my life.

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