chapter 7

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Leonardo got up and walked out and did not say goodbye or anything like that.

I didn't know Leonardo was feeling down, and I probably broke his heart when he wanted to hang out with me.

Mom and Dad looked at us, and we had our heads down feeling pretty bad that our big brother was mad at us.

Lynn sr:"Lori,Leni,Luna,Luan and Lynn jr. You guys know how Leo gets, but the younger kids don't get how Leo acts"

Rita:"Lincoln,Lucy,Lola,Lana and Lisa. Leo might act fine, but deep down, he is not fine. Leo just lost everything he had ever loved, and he needs to have someone there for him. He needs his 11 siblings to be there for him and not to start yelling at him." Mom said the last part to Lori.

And I can help Leonardo with everything, and hopefully, he wouldn't be mad at any of us.

Lori, it looks like she doesn't care about Leonardo or anything like that.

Everyone ate their breakfast, and I needed to have a young siblings meeting in my room.

Our five older sisters wouldn't find out what we are doing.

We are going to find Leonardo's room and see where he has been at, and hopefully, we can find something about Leo.

Everyone got done eating their breakfast, and I dragged my younger sisters towards my room.

We got to my room, and I locked my door so none of our older sisters would come in here.

Lucy:"Lincoln, what is going on, and why did you drag us to your room for."

Lana:"Yeah, I was going to train el Diablo to get along with bitty."

Lola:"And I was going to have a tea party."

Lily:"poo poo."

Lincoln:"Ok, but this is about Leonardo. He is always going somewhere, and he is always going in the attack, but why."

Lisa:"Our eldest brother probably lived up in the attack. And he probably does go to work as he said he is."

Lincoln:"But that's the thing, we need to know what our older brother is hiding. And we are going to find out what it is." Just as I said that, my best friend Clyde came into my room.

I took a deep breath and let it out. I need to talk to Leonardo about you, know boys and all that kind of stuff.

Every time Clyde is around me, I feel funny in a good way, and I don't know what it is.

Hopefully, Leo can tell me what is going on with me and tell me why I feel this way.

Clyde:"Ok, I got everything we need to know about y'all older brother, and I brought cookies that I've made." Clyde always comes with everything just in case because you never know what's going to happen.

I made sure that our older sisters weren't out and made sure that they were doing something.

We got out of my room and headed towards the attack.

I pulled the attack door opened and we walked into the attack and turned on the lights.

Lincoln:"Ok,let's split up and look for something that is not supposed to be in here." We all split up in two or threes.

Lucy,Lisa, and Lily are looking for what isn't supposed to be in the attack.

Lola and Lana are looking at boxes we keep in the attack.

Clyde and I are feeling the wall for something. But then I felt something like a door knob.

Lincoln:"Guy's, I found a door knob." They looked at me, and I turned the door knob.

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