chapter 6

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I walked inside the house and found all my siblings and my parents sitting down.

Oscar isn't in the living room, so that's means he is somewhere.

Retha:"Leo, honey. What is going on, and why is there a little boy running around?" I had this feeling that my mom would ask me this question.

I just didn't know that it was coming so soon.

Leonardo:"That little boy name is Oscar, and he is 4 years old. Storm knows about Oscar and me, and Storm knows the mother. Four years ago , my storm and I met this girl, her name is Susan. She needed help because her family business was about to close down, so her storm and her storm decided to help her and her family out. So we walked inside sweet dessert and it was bad. So we gave her family some money to keep sweet dessert open for a long time.

Then, a couple of months later, the storm went out shopping with Susan and her wife Yasmine. Susan was talking about adopting a kid, and Storm was like Leo can give you guys a kid. So when the storm got home, she told me everything, and she knew that it would be hard to get the adoption papers and it would be long. So, nine months later, Oscar was born." I looked at my family, and I knew it would hurt them.

Because I kept everything a secret from them, and I just knew that they would be upset.

My mom tried to say something, but nothing came out, so Lori was the first one to speak.

Lori:"So let me get this straight, you have a son and never told anyone. And you abandoned him when he was born, say something Leo because right now you are just providing my point right now."

Leonardo:"I am providing my point, Lori. I never left Oscar. I always visit him and spend the weekend with him and do everything a father could do for her son. You know something Lori, it hurts my heart to even abandon a baby,toddler, or a kid. I would never do something like that, and you know that." At this point, I don't think I could even win back my little sunshine.

My little sunshine hates me more than anything in this world, and I think I deserve it more than anything.

Lucy:"Leo is right. He does seem like a good father and a great brother. He deserves happiness after what he went through with his wife passing." Lucy said for the first time, and it feels great to know that my younger siblings are opening up to me more and more, I am taking baby steps with them.

My younger siblings need to trust me more than ever.

Lincoln:"I am with Lucy on this one. When Leonardo first got here, he looked so bad, and you can tell that he has been crying." Lincoln turned to me with a smile and hugged me like there is no tomorrow.

It's great to have my family back in my life again.

Lynn sr.:"Well gang, looks like it's time for bed, and I know Leonardo feeds you guys because he told me." Yeah, after us having ice cream, I took my siblings and Oscar out to get some dinner so dad wouldn't cook so late.

I found Oscar, and we are heading towards the attack where my old room is at.

Leonardo:"Ok, Oscar, what do you want to do before bed." I looked in my arms to see Oscar with a sad little puppy dog eyes something is going on but what.

Oscar:"Leo, I think both my mommy's are upset about something, and it might be me." When Oscar was talking, we finally got to my old room.

When I heard Oscar saying that, it made sense now.

Why would Yasmine be glaring at me and wanted to kill me for.

Leonardo:"Oscar, you didn't do anything wrong. Your mommy's need to realize that they are putting you in the disagreement they are having. You never did anything wrong Oscar, your a really good kid, and everyone knows it." I put Oscar in my bed because he might have nightmares about something.

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