chapter 2

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It was nighttime, and we were eating dinner that my husband Lynn made.

I hear from Leonardo once in a while, but not all the time, I miss him so much that it hurts.

Lincoln, my youngest son he looks just like Leonardo when he was 12 years old.

My five older daughters know about Leonardo. The younger ones don't know anything about who Leonardo is to any of them.

Just then, there was a knock at the door.

Everyone stopped eating and looked at each other to figure out who was here.

Lynn Jr.:"Mom dad, who is knocking at this time of night." Lynn Jr. Said, so I stood up and went to answer the door to see who it was.

When I got to the front door, my heart was beating so fast, I had a mother feeling that something had happened, and I didn't know what it was.

I opened the door, and my jaw just dropped open.

At the other end of the front door was my oldest son.

I started to cry, happy tears , and my baby boy was home.

Leonardo:"Hey, mom." Leonardo said, I ran into his arms and cried so hard that I didn't know that I was holding in.

Rita:"Leo, my baby. What happened, and where is the storm?" When I broke the hug, I looked at Leonardo, and his eyes were red and puffy from crying.

Leonardo:"Mom, storm is dead. She had cancer really bad, and there wasn't anything we could have done. So now her parents are blaming me for her death, like I didn't kill her or gave her cancer or anything like that. I will always love storm, her dying wish was for me to fine some one to love again." When Leonardo said all that, all I wanted to do was break down and cry.

When Lynn and I first met Storm, it was like having an older sister to the girls.

Lori,Leni,Luna,Luan, and Lynn Jr. Love having storm around them.

Leonardo and Storm stayed with us for a while.

Looking back, Storm made Leonardo happy, and now that storm is gone, Leonardo is sad.

Rita:"C'mon Leo, everyone is eating dinner." I took Leonardo hand and walked back inside the house.

There is this saying, the baby bird's needs to spread their wings and fly away, but the baby bird's well always come back to the nest.

I couldn't be in the same house that me and the storm bought together.

It was going to be our forever home and raise our children in that house.

But now, it is going to be hard without my wife and queen by my side.

Mom and I got inside the house that I grew up in alongside my siblings, and hopefully, the house will stay here forever.

When we got to the dining room, everyone stopped eating and looked at mom then at me.

I am so happy being back in my siblings' lives again. I looked at Lori,Leni,Luna,Luan, and Lynn Jr. They grew up so fast, and then I stopped at the younger girls and a boy.

Rita:"Leo, these are your younger siblings. Lincoln,Lucy,Lola,Lana,Lisa, and Lily. Guys, this is your older brother Leonardo, and he is going to be staying with us." As mom said that Lincoln looked at me to see that I am his brother.

I get it he probably thought that he was the only boy in the family. I couldn't believe that I had a baby brother it's a dream come true.

Leonardo:"Man, I missed out on a lot of stuff, huh? I am so sorry, guys. I've been busy and dealing with my wife passing away and everything going on." When I got done saying what I needed to say to my siblings.

I did miss out allot of stuff, even some crazy stuff, and now I am back. I could be in their life again.

Lisa:"So if I heard right, Lincoln isn't the only boy in the family, and we have another brother that we younger siblings didn't know about. And now he is back, but nobody wanted to say anything, am I corrected." Wow, Lisa got everything right about nobody telling them about me, and now that I am back.

Leonardo:"Yes, that is right, little genius, and I am back, but since storm passed away today. I'm going to be staying here and spending some time with y'all, and hopefully, my little sunshine is going to be ok with it." I used the nickname that I gave my sister's when they were younger.

Lori looked at me with a glare, and I know she is mad at me for leaving, but I was married to storm, and we needed our own place to stay and maybe to start a family.

I looked in my sister's eyes, and I saw the hurt, the anger, and the pain. I've never wanted my sister's to be upset with me or anything like that.

Lori:"You left us, Leo, and now you want to come back in our lives and weasel your way into our hearts and what to leave again." Lori yelled out, but she needs to know that yeah, I left, and no, I am not weaseling my way in nobodies heart.

Leonardo:"Lori, I am not weaseling my way into anything, OK? Look my friends told me that I couldn't be alone so I came back here so I won't be all alone in that house that me and storm first got. I didn't want to be alone in that house or anything, so I came back here to stay. I got all my clothes out of the house and I am selling that house so you can be mad at me for a long time, but just remember I am always going to be there." As I finished saying what Lori needed to hear from me.

I wasn't hungry anymore, so I walked upstairs to my room.

When I was 11 years old, I made my own room in the attack.

When me and storm moved out, I hid the door to my bedroom.

My bedroom is like a small apartment building. You got the small kitchen, two bedrooms and two bathrooms.

Nobody knew about the room in the attack or that I had a room in the attack.

I thought ok my little brother would find the room or something like that.

But nobody can fine my hiding room or anything like that, I never let my sister's in my room because I needed my privacy because they don't need to know what I do in my room or anything.

When I got inside the house that I grew up in with my sister's. I am like ok my sister's would come running into my arms, but they didn't.

Let's just hope that tomorrow would be a great day to spend some time with all of my siblings .

When Leonardo left to, I was guessing his old room.

I never knew that I had a big brother, and nobody told me or my younger sisters.

It's insane that nobody talked about Leonardo or anything.

Mom and dad, they didn't talk about Leonardo or where he went or anything like that.

For 11 years, I thought that I was the only boy in the family, but no, when Leonardo came walking in, I thought that was my future self.

Lola:"How come nobody said that we all have an older brother!" Lola yelled out, and she isn't wrong or anything.

Yeah, how come nobody told us about Leonardo, and why didn't they say anything before.

Luna:"Guys, Leonardo was and still is the best big brother we had. Leonardo was the only boy in the family Leo. He has always dreamed about having a baby brother. When mom was pregnant, she was pregnant with Lincoln at the time.

Leo thought that mom was having another girl, but Leo he wouldn't care what gander the baby was. But Leo had a girlfriend name storm. She was the best, storm was like our older sister but she wasn't by blood.

Leonardo and Storm got married, and they wanted to start their own family, so they moved out.

Everyone was heartbroken even though Lori was because she was always around Leonardo more than any one of us older girls." Luna said, so Leonardo was the best big brother to my older sisters.

And that Leonardo felt alone being the only boy in the family.

Maybe I should talk to Leonardo tomorrow morning to hear from his side of the story.

I want to get to know my older brother.

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