chapter 10

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I was still lying down on the couch with Lily, and she is still sleeping.

I started to think about everything going on right now. And I couldn't believe what was going on with my siblings.

Just then, mom and dad walked inside the house, and this is the perfect time to talk to them. About what Lincoln told me.

Leo:"Mom, dad, can we talk for a minute." Mom and dad looked at each other then at me.

Dad:"Sure son, what is going on?"

Leo:"It's about the girls, Lincoln told me everything that has happened. And I am so mad at them right now, but the one that got to me was a sister fight protocol. And when Lincoln said that, I was like, what the hack." When I finished talking, mom and dad looked at me and could see that I was upset with what happened.

Mom:"Leo, the sister fight protocol helps the girls with everything going on with them." Is mom for real right now.

The sister fight protocol helps the girls. More like to teach them that it's ok to fight with your siblings.

Leo:"But my question is, did Lincoln know about this sister fight protocol. My guess is no, because I remember that there was never a sister fight protocol at all. So all of a sudden, there is a sister fight protocol, but all it ever doing is giving the girls a reason to fight each other." When I said that, mom and dad started to think about what I've just said.

Just as mom was about to say something else, my phone went off like crazy.

So I picked up my phone up and listened to whoever is calling me right now.

Leo:"Leonardo Loud here. How can I help you."

Jon:"Boss, it's me, Jon. Something just happened, and I think it might be our enemy or something. Because they just stole 220 thousand dollars from us."

Leo:"So you called me, ok? I would be right there. And how is our little friend doing right now."

Jon:"Max is driving everyone crazy. And I am this close to killing this joker for everything he has done."

Leo:"Relax, my friend, I have an idea, but I need to do something first, then I'll help you."

Jon:"Leo, please tell me nothing bad happened."

Leo:"Something did happen. So I am going to have a talk with my sister's first then I'll see you soon."

I hung up on Jon and looked at my parents.

Mom looked at me, and she could see that I needed to have a talk with my sister's and see what they said.

And it better be the truth and not a lie, because I could tell when someone is lying to me.

Leo:"I'm going to go and have a talk with my sister's about all of this. If they are lying to me, I would know if they are lying to me." I got up and started to walk towards Lori and Leni room.

I still couldn't believe that my sister's block off the kitchen and bathroom. Because they need to cool off, like there are more rooms here for them to cool off in.

They kicked Lincoln out of his room, and they took his sheets to make a divider in their room. Because they didn't want to sleep in the same room as the other.

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