chapter 3

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*the next morning*

I heard my alarm going off, I got up and walked into my bathroom.

You see, growing up in a big family like mine, there is always a line to get to the bathroom.

But I was smart enough to build my own bathroom in my little apartment.

I've took a shower, brushed my teeth, and brushed my white hair.

I couldn't get over how my young brother Lincoln looks just like me, but Lincoln has blue eyes, and I have red eyes.

Just as I walked out of the bathroom, my A.I. woke up.

Wednesday:"Good morning Mr.Leonardo, your coffee will be ready very shortly." My A.I, named Wednesday, said.

I told her that my day was going to be very busy and that I was going to spend a whole day with my siblings.

I am going to take them to Royal woods mall because I have a surprise for them.

Well, you guys just have to guess what my surprise is for my whole siblings.

I walked downstairs to have breakfast with my family.

Today I am wearing my black suit, black tie, black pants and black shoes.

Leonardo:"Good morning, family." I've greeted my family . Good morning.

I sat next to my baby sister Lily, and she is so cute.

Leonardo:"Hey Lily flower, did you sleep ok Lily flower." I asked my baby sister, and she giggled so I know that Lily didn't have any nightmares.

Rita:"So Leonardo, what are you doing today?" Mom asked, and I knew that she wanted to make sure that I was ok. Because Storm death really hurt me like a lot.

Leonardo:"Nothing much, mom. I am going to take my whole siblings to the Royal Woods Mall. Because I missed out on a lot of birthdays,mothers Day, and fathers Day. So yeah, then after that, I have to go to work and help you and dad out." I've told my mom because she and dad do allot for me and my siblings, so I want to help them out somehow, and what better way.

Lori looked at me to see if I had grown another head or something.

Lincoln came running downstairs, but he stopped running when he saw me.

Leonardo:"Hey, little bro, we are going to the mall. But there is a really nice place in the mall and it got everything in it." All of my siblings stopped eating and looked at each other.

But what they don't know is that I own that shop in the mall.

It got's everything that my siblings would love because when I talked to mom. She told me what my siblings like and love.

So I brought an empty place in the mall and built a store inside the mall.

Lori:"Leo, there is no store like that in the mall." Lori said all dramatic like but I am not having any drama this early in the mother fucking morning.

Lori can sit there and say whatever she wants, but she is not going to tell me that I shouldn't bring my siblings to the mall.

Leonardo:"Fine whatever Lori, because there is a place in the mall that has everything that you all like and love. But you know what that is fine by me Lori." I am upset that Lori is talking to me like that even last night.

It's massed up, because my sunshine doesn't want me around and that's fine.

Lori:"You know what Leo, you shouldn't have came back. We were just fine without you around so do us all a favor and leave and never come back." Lori yelled out, that hurts to hear Lori say that to me.

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