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It shows the black manor , A girl putting a baby on the door step  and ringing the doorbell and leaving.

Regulus has a feeling that's his little girl and shared a look with his father who gives him a small smile.

A man is see opening the door and picking the baby up and seeing a note.

Dear regulus,
This is your child I don't want it but please look after her and treat her right she deserve a better mother then me.
Love Nicole

(It then shows older regulus cradling the baby to his chest )
regulus: I promise to keep you safe and never let him get you I love you nova Cassiopeia black my little angel.

Awwww said most of the great hall whiles all the blacks making the same decision. " I have a feeling little nova is gonna be a daddy"s girl" said Barty.
" And she is also going to be my god daughter" said Rabastan and Barty glared at him. They were fighting who the godfather is while Reggie is shaking his head. " none of yous will be the godfather because you would mostly do dumb shit with her Evan is probably the godfather" said regulus the boys pouted while Evan was cheering.

One week late Nova is three weeks old *
(Rabastan ,rodophlus and Barty are seen walking in the entree of grimuld)

"damn I still look good looking" said Barty, his friend's looked at him exasperated, " what ?" He said they just shakes their head

Barty: still can't believe your the god father

"WHY IS HE THE GOD FATHER" yelled Barty and Evan, " I actually have know clue" shocked regulus said, Rabastan was practically jumping with excitement while Barty and Evan were gloomy and grumbling about not being the god father. " you must of hit your head when you decided that decision Reggie" said bellatrix which made regulus and Rodophlus cover there laughs with coughing.

Rodophlus: shut up you idiot she could be asleep ( regulus came out with a scowl on his face holding a sleepy looking Nova)

" awww she looks adorable" said Marlene which people agreed

Regulus : "shut up you idiots you just woke her" seethed regulus

" daddy regulus ain't happy" snickered Evan everyone looked at him weird and regulus looked disgusted. " what the hell goes inside your head" asked Lucius " you don't wanna know" said Evan shaking his head

Rodophlus: I told them to be quiet
( Rabastan and Evan looked in awe at the baby they were speechless they hate baby with a passion they both think they cry to much and are annoying but you could see and practically feel the love radiating of them towards the baby girl and right the they made a vowel to always protect this precious child. Rodophlus just look at the baby with a soft smile, he has already met his niece don't tell them that tho they would throw a fit especially Barty and Rabastan the dramatic asses)

"oi I am not dramatic!!" Said barty and Rabastan, everyone looked at them as if they are crazy which they are.

In awe Barty: she's beautiful Reggie
With a bright smile Rabastan: she is so precious I dibs holding her first
Barty:  FUCK NO! I AM
While they were fighting they didn't notice rodophlus gently taking Nova out of her father's arms and cradling her to his chest, Regulus looked at him with a small sad smile knowing how much him and his cousin what a kid of his own but Bella is infertile.

Rodophlus and Bella look at each other with sadness in there eyes and hold hands while the black family look at the couple with small amount of sympathy but not a lot knowing the pair hate it. Regulus promises to include them a lot in novas life.

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