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Narcissa left to get nova's robe while her and daphne went to get a pet but first they went to the bookstore.

" ew Nova sweetheart don't turn into a nerd please" begged Sirius while the rest of the maurader except Remus looked at the bookstore like it was evil.

" shut up Sirius at least she knows how to read unlike you" said regulus annoyed at him for not wanting her to turn into a nerd, so what if she does thought regulus meanwhile everyone laughed at his comment.

" moony" whined Sirius dramatically throwing himself at remus who rolled his eyes use to his immature friend whining.

The potter twins*

" nooo I wanna see more of my adorable god daughter" said Rabastan throwing a tantrum like a toddler who didn't get his own way but again Rabastan always acts as a toddler so!

" Harry I'm gonna check out some sports books I'll meet you at the ice cream place" said Nate walking off to the bookstore.

Suddenly most of the girls and some mothers squeal scaring the men in the room.

" ow my ears what's with the squealing" said frank longbottom sitting with his girlfriend Alice at the griffindor table.

" cmon it's gonna be a cute love story between Nate and nova they are both in the bookstore and are most likely going to meet" said Marlene bouncing on her chair excited for love.

The black men and novas uncle's froze then one by one they dramatically passed out except regulus who looked like he has had a heat attack leaning against his mother looking ghostly pale while Walburga smiled hoping that her grand daughter founds love.

When Nate was looking at the books something or rather someone knocked into him and fell to the ground, Nate turned with a glare ready to yell at them when he sees a angel like girl looking up at him with her grey blue-ish doe eyes immediately making his heart melt.

Nova was on the ground rubbing her nose which is hurting with tears in her eyes, she looked up and saw a boy who was the same age as her staring at her like she hung the stars in the sky.

Regulus was fuming this the potter little brat made his daughter close to tears by hurting her then had the audacity to gawk at her like she's a painting in a art gallery.

" NO STAY AWAY FROM MY NIECE / GOD DAUGHTER" said Sirius and Rabastan at the same time.

James was proud his son was taking after him and was about to start cheering him in until lily pulled him down by his ear which made him pout.

"Potter your son better stay away from my daughter" said regulus in a calm but deadly tone sending chills up everyone's spines.

When Nate saw her tearing up he quickly but gently pulled her up and steady her on her feet, he felt awful making her cry it ached his heart which was beating rapidly when the girl met his gaze again but since they were close he was able to see her beautiful grey eyes with a tint of blue in it. Nova was starting to feel a bit uncomfortable with his intense staring making her break the silence.

" um hi sorry for bumping into" said nova in her natural soothing gentle voice , if angels exist this is what Nate would think would look and sound like. Nate snap out of his trance when he realised he probably looks like a bloody idiot.

" it's already darling is your nose alright ?" Asked Nate reaching forward and gently caressing the side of her nose making nova lightly blush.

" awww he called her darling and caress her nose!!" Squealed Marlene, giggling with the girls while there boyfriend's were trying to calm them down.

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