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" Aunty cissy my stomach will burst if I eat more" Nova complained when Narcissa placed more food on her plate.

" oh hush, Draco told me how you have a nasty habit to not eat much" she tutted looking at her niece with dismay, Nova huffed and looked at her father who was to busy in a conversation with her uncle Barty.

" dad aunty cissy is trying to kill me" Nova pouted to her father who turned to her, face filled with amusement, " oh you poor thing! Don't worry uncle Barty will save you!" Barty exclaimed dramatically grabbing nova, giving her a piggyback to the slythrin common room since it was getting late and most people were heading off to settle for the night.

" hey wait for us!" Rabastan and Evan tell him darting after them, leaving the rest in the dust. Finally the boys catch up to a giddy Barty and a laughing nova.

" yo Rabastan catch!" Barty suddenly says throwing Nova into Rabastan arms his reflexes setting in, Nova scream not seeing that coming.

" Jesus Barty, careful you fool" Evan clutched his heart, wand in hand in case she fell.

" oh relax buzzkill, you know we would never hurt our little niece" Rabastan tells the blond boy carrying nova who was unbothered. She could get use to this, not having to walk.

" shut up I'm not a buzzkill" Evan snapped making Rabastan smirk.

" fine catch then! He throws nova again yet she saw this one coming and was prepared, Evan caught her and held her close to his chest, so close she could smile the faint smell of his cologne and cigarettes.

" you fuckers! Novie love you okay?" He stressed, nova just giggled giving her uncle a thumbs up making her other uncles chuckle.

" wait before we go to the common room can we please go to the kitchens and have hot chocolate" Nova pleaded flashing them her signature adorable puppy dog eyes and who were they to deny her.

" of course princess "
" let's go even though I don't know where it is"
" anything you wish, your the princess"

Nova smiled brightly jumping out of Evans arms, " follow me I know where they are" she skipped away, Barty and Rabastan skipped with her while Evan shake his head at his idiotic bestfriends.

They got to the kitchens the boys saving the memory of where the kitchens are in their brains, a meek looking elf appearing in front of them. Nova smiled knowing this elf in the future, flossy who always served her and her friends and took a likely to the black heiress.

" hi flossy can I please have three hot chocolates" she asks the elf softly, the elf flossy smiled and bounced away to get them.

The elf returned with them making them thank the little elf, " so Novie how bad are rest of the movies gonna get?" Evan slurped on his hit chocolate, never had he had one so good like this one flossy made him.

Nova nearly choked on her hot chocolate, oh they don't know how bad it's gonna get and it's best she doesn't tell them and let them found out.

" let's say first year was one of the quietest year I had.... Now we better go before they come looking for us, I'll race you!" she smiled innocently at the three slythrins than darting back to the common room. The boys were to distracted by trying to race her to the common room and not processing what she said.

" where's my daughter?" Regulus questioned his family walking into the common room.

" don't know haven't seen her since she let hall with Evan, Barty and Rabastan" Draco replied to him cooly, regulus gets his answer when nova bursts in out of breath yet laughing " I won!".

His three bestfriends entering after her puffed out, Rabastan even falling to the floor in a starfish position, chest rising frantically.  Evan and Barty not any better, " how can she run so fast, can't feel my legs!" Barty exclaimed before he fell to the ground, his legs giving out on him.

Evan hands rested on his knees bent down, " regulus your daughter just nearly killed me"

" get up dumb bats" regulus said carelessly giving his daughter a kiss on the cheek hugging her to his side.

The others just watched the boys suffer with amusement, " while you four were doing I don't know want, I had a little chat with your boyfriend"

Nova looked at her father in fear thinking the worst, " oh my god dad, why would you kill him I love him!"

"No, no darling, as much as I wanted to kill him I didn't. He assured me that he would keep you safe and treat you like a princess you are" regulus comforted, his family and friends looking at him in shock. They were hundred percent sure regulus was gonna choke the guy to death.

This went over Nova head, mind blank cause she knows her father wanted him dead for dating her his princess, " why would you do— wait what?!"

Regulus chuckled with the way his daughter was looking at him, " I'm glad you have him, my darling." Nova was so confused, " your telling me you didn't even hurt him?" She queried in shock and relief.

Meanwhile her uncles, " please tell me you at least roughed him up!"

Regulus douched the question, " he's fine", nova sighed in relief, " thank you dad, I'm going to sleep now, goodnight everyone"

Now she was gone all the boys bare Draco who was just chilling on the lounge turned to him incredulously, " seriously! I'm disappointed" Rabastan shook his head at him like a disappointed mother.

" I said he was fine, not that I didn't touch him." Regulus said so calmly it was worrying, before leaving going to rest knowing his probably gonna get grey hairs in his precious locks next movie cause of his daughter.

The others beamed at his answer, they know regulus could throw a mean punch and was excited for once to see Nate, only cause they want to see how badly his pretty face is.

" surprised the boy isn't dead" Walburga said dryly to dursella who nodded equally surprised.

Meanwhile nate was wincing daping his nose and lip with a damped cloth, his eyes swollen slightly from getting hit yet the conversation didn't go bad, it went swell actually, he got novas dad approval. Just costed getting punched in the face twelve times.

He wouldn't change it for the world though, but it sucks that he won't be able to show affection with her in publicly cause that was regulus number 1 rule. No affection shown in front of him, he doesn't want to see Nate's grubby hands on his princess.

1127 words
Hey hope you like and if you would like comment and vote also sorry it's a bit short.

Not proofread
Hope you have a good day/night xx

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