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Nate huff he couldn't be away from nova any longer! Even though she's like not even ten feet away from him. He got up and sat next to his friends to be closer to his girl, he sat in between Theo and blaise who glared at him for separately them. Not that Nate cared.

" wait we are going through the trap door tonight?!" Nate exclaimed to his idiotic twin brother, " yeah! I already told Nova and she thinks that's a good idea"

" as much as I adore my girl but she doesn't away think with her brain" Nate huffed, why did she agree to do this she could get hurt.

" hey! Yes I do" nova glares at her boyfriend well tries to, she looks like a wounded cute puppy.

" sure you do love" her boyfriend mused, his cute little idiot.

" why did you agree?" Regulus asked his daughter sternly, he blames his brother for her being reckless and brave. Nova looked at her father sheepishly not answering.

" where are they we've been waiting for ages" complained Nate making Nova want to throw a chair at him.

" oh hush, we have only been waiting for 2 minutes" Nate was about to say something again until the golden trio arrives.

" finally! Alohomora" Nate said pointing his wand at the door, it unlocks and opens showing them the sleep Cerberus.

" snape has already been here" stressed harry, snape must have put a spell on the harp.

" it's breathe smells gross" gagged Ron. " we have to move its paw" harry instructed making everyone look at him crazy.

" ok, uncle Vernon must have beaten you up so badly that your brain is affected". Nate tells his brother who looks at him with a glare him casually dumping his trauma but you could see the slight smirk from amusement. Nova looked at the brothers like they just escaped from Azkaban.

" I'm gonna kill them when I get out" lily seethed. Then turns to her sons scoldly " stop making jokes about your trauma"

" sorry mum it's how we cope" harry grimaces, Nate nodding in agreement.

" come on!" Harry demanded, they all reluctantly helped Harry move the pass. " I'll go first. Don't follow until I give you a sign, if something bad happens, get yourselves out. Does it seem quiet to you?" Harry says to them not noticing fluffy was waking up.

" turn around" the hall yells, the future people looking at each other amused by them forgot they are there and it's a screen there shouting at.

" the harp. It stopped playing" drool hits Ron's shoulder.

" that's so gross" pansy scrunches her nose up, Ron looking her weirdly, um hello ? It drooled on me of course I know it's gross.

" ew! Yuck" Ron said disgusted. They all look up and see fluffy standing there, fluffy growls at them breaking the harp by jumping at them. " oh heavens.." nova mumbled, Nate holding nova tight to shield her. " jump! Go" Nate and harry said.

" ahhhh!"

They land on a mushy black rope like plant, " fuck sake"  Nate groaned knowing what this plant is and how deadly it is.

" devils snare" Ted Tonks breathed, nerves kicking in.

" of course it's devils snare, potter! I blame your devil spawns.. they are prone to trouble" regulus glares at his ex fling. James gasp dramatically.

" uncle regulus it's not just the twins who attracts trouble. Your daughter does to" Draco said, nova goes to hit her cousin making him screech inhumanely.

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