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The students are now seated in the defense against the dark arts classroom, decorated with portraits of its owner: Gilderoy Lockhart: the door to the office opens and Lockhart walks out.

" are you sure we can't skip?" Nova whined as she sat down next to hermione, them getting weird looks seeing at they were a griffindor and slythrin sitting next to each other.

" no don't be ridiculous, Nova" hermione sternly said making the girl in question huff annoyed, " your not the only one who doesn't want to be here, Novie" Harry said behind her, sitting with Ron in the row behind the girls while Nate was across the room sitting with Daphne. Nova making them sit next to each other as she's sick of their bickering, so they can fight away from her.

Daphne and Nate shared a fond smile, not they they would ever tell anyone or each other but they would die for each other, okay maybe not, they would fight someone for each other, wait no cause daphne would hate to break a nail and Nate doesn't like to get his face hurt cause what if Nova breaks up with him?

Instead, they would fight a carebear for each other.............. but don't tell the other they said that.

" let me introduce you to your new defense against the arts teacher: me, GilderoyLockwart, Order of Merlin, Third class, honorary member of dark force defense league, and five time winner of witch weekly's most charming smile award. But I don't talke about it. I didn't get rid of the bandon banshee by smiling at him" he cockily spoke and laughs at his own joke. The girls park Nova and daphne who were looking at him with disgust, looked at him starstruck as the boys looked confused.

" what a load of rubbish" Nova whispered under her breathe, her English accent thick as day as her annoyance with the man grew.

" yeah and I'm Merlin" James Scoffed, the pranks he has plan for the pompous prick sitting a few rows away from him, fawning over the attention he's getting.

" oh hermione, dear no" Marlene sighed disappointed seeing Hermione starstruck look on screen. Hermione shrunken in her sit, not her finest moment, crushing on that fraud.

Lockhart suddenly pulls out his wand.

" now be warned! It's my job to arm you against the foulest creatures known to man to wizard kind. [ taps a covered cage, causing it to shake ]. You may find yourselves facing your worst fears in this room. Know only that no harm can befall you whilst I am here. I must ask you not to scream. It might provoke them" he rips the cover off only to show small blue creatures with wings.

" Cornish pixies, you joking?" Sirius scoffed out a laugh, " how this idiot is a teacher, i have no idea".

" kill me now" nova whispered under her breathe not knowing Nate mumbled the same thing.

Nova smiled brightly at Nate making him want to coo and squish her cheeks together but he has an imagine to maintain, well what's left of it as they all have seen him practically purring as he cuddles with Nova.

" Cornish pixies?" Seamus laughs making Lockhart offended.

" freshly caught Cornish pixies, laugh if you will Mr, finnigan but pixies can be devilishly tricky little blighters. Let's see what you make of them, now! [ he lets the pixies out of their cage, and they immediately start wreaking havoc ] come on now. Round them up, round them up! They're only pixies!"

" you fucking tosser" lily spat at young Lockhart making him squeak, terrified of the fuming redhead.

" note to self, not let him become a teachers professor McGonagall wrote down in her notebook.

Two pixies grab Neville by his ears, hoist him up into the air, and than hang him on the chandelier.

" please get me down!" Neville said, terrified.

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