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As the ford Anglia flies alongside the hogwarts express, it puts on its headlights and flies off. Soon enough, they are flying over the lake and arriving at hogwarts.

" welcome home!"Ron beams as the three boys stare at the castle with a smile, or in Nate's case a tiny tilt of his lips.

" you need to smile more" a brave Ravenclaw spoke but wished she didn't when the handsome man sent her a distasteful look.

" and you need to shut the fuck up" Nate smiled sarcastically making the girl wish the floor would swallow her up. Nova shook her head fondly at her boyfriend, he's one of a kind.

Suddenly, the Anglia experiences a major turbulence as it steers on the left side of the castle, than right. Ron holds the wheel while panicking looking like he's about to piss himself as the car drives down forward.

" up! Up" Harry yelled panickingly as he and Nate held on to what ever they could.

" it's not working" Ron whimpered in fear as the car wouldn't break.

" oh Jesus, I can't die yet! I haven't proposed and married my girl yet" Nate closed his eyes like that's gonna give the car will power to avoid the tree.

The maurders go pale as a sheet seeing the tree they flew into, fear launched into Remus's chest not going to forgive himself if the kids get hurt. The tree was planted cause of him, causing of what he is.

" stop! Stop for Merlin!" Ron tapped his wand  on the steering wheel making it break but crash into the big tree, Ron frowned sadly as he stared at his broke wand snapped in half. " my wand, look at my wand".

" be thankful it's not your neck instead" the twins talked unison.

" true kids, true" Marlene commented as she munched on some popcorn that she got from some where.

Suddenly the car rocks sharply making the boys perk up in alarm, seeing the tree coming alive and beating the car with its branches. Eventually, the car falls out of the tree and lands on the ground.

" Jesus Ron, go!" Nate shouted as he gripped onto the seat harshly.

Before the tree could grab them again, Ron quickly drives the car out of the trees range. A moment later, the car throws out Harry, Ron and their luggage. It ends by throwing hedwig's cage to Harry and scabbers cage to Ron.

" scabbers are you okay?" Ron worriedly checks his rat, not noticing the car driving off by its self.

" ugh wish the tree snapped his neck" Ron growled lowly making Peter flinch for the poor Rat.

" well there goes the car" Nate scoffed amused as he ruffled his hair, trying to make it look better so Nova doesn't think he's some type of slob.

" oh dad's gonna kill me" Ron groaned in despair.

" anyone seen Nate?" Nova spoke as she looked around the great hall, seeing if she could spot Nate but could only see everyone eating.

" oh now you remember me" Nate narrowed his eyes at her playfully, Nova just smiled innocently at him.

" well your not rememberable" Regulus shrugged making his friends smirk at Nate who sighed, it's gonna be a long time before they except him. Hell they probably won't. He wouldn't if he had a daughter.

" dad" Nova sighed tiredly, she got up from her spot making her father pout as she treaded to Daphne.

" no, hey can you please pass me the chicken, im famished" Theo said as he stared at the seasoned chicken greedily.

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