Episode 12B: Bootlegger Boogie

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(Start on DLC Island. CUPHEAD, MUGMAN, and CHALICE are by the cave looking at the recipe.)

Mugman-Do you think it would be easier if we just went top to bottom?

Chalice-But the cave is right there. We could just go in, get the gnome berries, and get out.

Cuphead-Alice, you know it won't be easy. Do you even have the proper arsenal?

Chalice-I have Chaser, Spread, Roundabout, and Lobber. Is that proper enough for you?

Cuphead-Alright, alright. It's just that what's the chance that this Dumbstone guy is gonna cooperate with--

(He turns and notices Porkrind's Emporium not too far away.)

Chalice-What is it, Cuphead?

Cuphead-You know, what if your arsenal was even more proper?

(Cut to inside Porkrind's Emporium. CUPHEAD takes a red bottle off the counter.)

Cuphead-Ooh, Crack Shot.

(He reads the label.)

Cuphead-Straight shot with good damage. Breaks into weaker aimed projectiles.

(MUGMAN takes a blue bottle.)

Mugman-I'll take the Twist-Up.

(He reads the label.)

Mugman-Rapid-fire shot with arced pathway and average damage.

(He takes a yellow bottle.)

Cuphead-That's not fair! You get two, and I only get one?

Mugman-I was going to offer it to Alice for when she wants to go corporeal.

(He holds the bottle out to CHALICE.)

Mugman-Does this sound like something you'd like?


(She reads the label.)

Chalice-"Converge: Long-range piercing 3-way shot. Stand in place to narrow spread." Sure, I'll take it.

(CUPHEAD notices a broken relic on the counter. He picks it up.)

Cuphead-What's this?

Porkrind-It's just a simple bauble that showed up in the store one day. I'm selling it for the low low price of one coin. You gonna get it off my hands or not?

(CUPHEAD holds the relic out to MUGMAN.)

Cuphead-What do you think, Mugman? Is this a good investment?

(MUGMAN looks at the relic. The eye on the front blinks.)

Mugman-Uh...that looks like a bad investment.

Cuphead-Good investment?

Mugman-Very bad investment!

Cuphead-I think it's a good investment.

(He takes out a coin and flips it onto the counter.)

Cuphead-One broken relic, please!

(They walk towards the exit.)

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