Episode 9B: Murine Corps

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(Start on the third isle. CUPHEAD is leaning against the wall of the shop with his arms crossed.)

Cuphead-What is taking Mugman so long?

(MUGMAN emerges from the shop holding an orange bottle.)

Mugman-Oh, Cuphead!

(CUPHEAD turns around and sees MUGMAN.)

Cuphead-Oh, boy.

Mugman-It's not that bad, Cuphead. It's just a potion. It'll help you do more damage. You like doing more damage, right?

Cuphead-Yeah, but-

Mugman-So what are you waiting for?!

(He shoves the bottle into CUPHEAD's hands.)

Mugman-C'mon, drink it!

(CUPHEAD glares at MUGMAN while he drinks out of the bottle.)

Cuphead-There. You happy?

Mugman-Yes! You won't regret it, Cuphead.

(They begin walking together.)

Mugman-Charger is the best shot there is. You can destroy cities with it. All it takes is a little patience.

Cuphead-And there's the problem. I'm the most un-patient guy I know.



Mugman-Now that we've got you geared up, let's collect us some contracts, but where to start?

(CUPHEAD takes out the list.)

Cuphead-How about right here?

(They begin looking over the list.)

Cuphead-If finding that pirate guy taught us anything, it's to start from the bottom of the list. Let's see...

(Pan over the list. The name at the bottom is "CAPTAIN BRINEYBEARD." Directly above it is "WERNER WERMAN.")

Cuphead/Mugman-"Werner Werman."

Mugman-Okay, now, how do we find him?

(Just then, they hear a voice behind them.)

Candy-(offscreen) I can help you.

(CUPHEAD and MUGMAN turn around and see CANDY standing right behind them. She is wearing a blue beret.)

Candy-Never thought I'd never see you again.

(She joins CUPHEAD and MUGMAN.)

Cuphead-Lemme guess. Werner Werman is dating your sister.

Candy-First of all, it's Verner Verman. He's German. Second of all, he's not dating my sister. As someone raised on the third isle and a roving photographer, it's my job to know the names and faces of everyone on this isle.

Cuphead-And you're saying your roving-photographer-ness is going to help us find Wern--I'm sorry, Verner Verman?

Candy-Yep! This way, you two!

(She leads them around the corner to a small house. The front door looks like a mouse hole.)

Candy-Alright. Now we're here! Knock 'em dead or at least knock 'em with enough force to get that contract. Buh bye!

(She walks off.)

Cuphead-Hey! Where do you think you're going? You've taken us this far! Come back and fight like a real woman!

Mugman-She's gone, Cuphead. Let's go.

Cuphead-Alright. Now, this guy better not be crazy.

(Wipe to inside the house. The walls are covered in medals, and there are shelves with tons of knick-knacks and contraptions on them. CUPHEAD and MUGMAN are being led through by WERNER WERMAN, a long-snouted brown rat wearing a Prussian military helmet. WERNER is monologuing to our cupboys with a very heavy German accent.)

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