Episode 6B: Fiery Frolic

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(Start at BARONESS VON BON BON's candy castle. CUPHEAD and MUGMAN enter. CUPHEAD narrates.)

Cuphead-(voice-only) Our first day of contract-collecting was coming to an end, so Mugman and I decided to stop at the Baroness's place for a little dessert.

(BON BON notices and points her cane at them contemptuously.)

Bon-Bon-What do you two think you're doing here? I know what you did to my contract!

(CUPHEAD and MUGMAN look at each other in disbelief, then back at her.)

Cuphead-You know?

Mugman-I thought we snuck it right out from under your nose—

(He slams his hand over his mouth.)

Bon-Bon-You hid it behind your back. As you walked out the door. Your backs facing toward me.

(MUGMAN glares at CUPHEAD. CUPHEAD shrugs and smiles awkwardly. Cut to another room, a kitchen of sorts. CUPHEAD and MUGMAN are sitting in chairs. BON BON is pulling a tray of muffins out of an oven.)

Bon-Bon-So where are you boys from?

Mugman-The First Isle.

Bon-Bon-Small town boys, huh? I hope you don't mind me asking, but why would the Devil want a couple of small town boys doing his dirty work?

Cuphead-Look, you saw. We're not just a couple of small town boys. We were high-rolling gamblers, undefeated at craps-

Mugman-Until the Devil showed up. He offered us the whole casino if we won. Cuphead just had to accept.

Cuphead-I thought you forgave me for that!

Mugman-I forgave. I never forgot.

Cuphead-Needless to say, we lost. Our heads are still on the chopping block. The only reason the Devil didn't take our souls right then is because he took pity on us.

(He notices the muffins in BON BON's tray.)

Cuphead-Are those blueberry muffins?

Bon-Bon-M-hm. They're my very own recipe. They have a special ingredient that-

Cuphead-I'll have a blueberry muffin.

Bon-Bon-You didn't even let me finish.

(Cut to another room, where CUPHEAD is licking his fingers. Just then, BON BON runs in.)

Bon-Bon-You didn't eat that whole muffin, did you?


Bon-Bon-That muffin. Did you just eat the whole thing in one sitting?


Bon-Bon-Now, listen to me, and I ain't messing around. Either go home right now or prepare to be here for eight hours.

Cuphead-Are you kidding me?

Bon-Bon-You ate that whole thing! I...own this place! I would only eat half!


(He passes out. MUGMAN walks in to see his brother unconscious on the floor.)

Mugman-I guess I'm staying here, too.

(Cut to the second isle the next morning. CUPHEAD and MUGMAN are walking.)

Mugman-Congratulations, Cuphead. Thanks to you, we had to spend the night in a stranger's house. Please tell me you slept well for all that trouble.

Cuphead-Actually, no. I had this really bad dream. I was in this cave, and there were flames, everywhere. The Devil was there, too. He was sitting on some throne using your head as a coffee mug. Then he turned into a giant bat and started chasing me around. I couldn't shoot. That's when I woke up. I grabbed your wrist immediately afterwards. Did you not notice?

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