Episode 2A: Ruse of an Ooze

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(Start on the first isle. CUPHEAD and MUGMAN are walking.)

Cuphead-Well, that's one contract down. It was almost too easy!

(MUGMAN pulls out the list and checks off the Root Pack.)

Mugman-Hopefully, all the debtors will be like that.

Cuphead-By tomorrow night, we'll be home free! This'll be a walk in the park!

(He looks around, realizing where he is.)

Cuphead-No pun intended.

(MUGMAN looks over the list.)

Mugman-Now, who's next?

Cuphead-I don't know. You tell me.

Mugman-I don't know, either!

Cuphead-Then why are you looking at the list?

(MUGMAN slowly looks up at CUPHEAD.)

Mugman-To give myself an idea of who might be next.

Cuphead-Alright. But how do we find them?

Mugman-(quietly) We could ask around-

Cuphead-Hold that thought. I have me an idea. We could ask other people if they know where they are!

Mugman-Yeah. That. Can we start with some trustworthy-looking people?

(They come across a small shack with a sign that says "Shop".)

Cuphead-"Shop". Sounds trustworthy.

(He goes into the shack, followed by MUGMAN. Behind the counter inside is a large, eye patch-wearing pig named PORKRIND.)

Porkrind-Welcome to Porkrind's Emporium. Is there anything ya need?

Cuphead-Yes. Do you have any weapons?

(MUGMAN gives CUPHEAD a strange look, taken aback by this sudden deviation from plans.)

Mugman-What he means is "weaponizing potions". (to CUPHEAD) What are you doing? We're supposed to be asking about the debt-ors.

(While they talk, PORKRIND goes back to the shelves behind the counter.)

Cuphead-Well, we can't possibly take down all those debtors with just a simple Peashooter! I figured we could get some better shots here because seedy shops like this are always the best place to find stuff like that. Don't ask me how I know that. And while we're at it, we could ask about the list.

(MUGMAN sighs.)

Mugman-Fine. But next time, let me know first.

(PORKRIND returns to the counter with three bottles.)

Porkrind-Here's what I could find ya. Take your pick.

(CUPHEAD takes a bottle, a green one, off the counter and reads the label.)

Cuphead-"Chaser: Long range with below-average damage. No aiming required." No aiming? That sounds pretty cool.

(He looks at MUGMAN, who is reading the label on a blue bottle.)

Mugman-"Roundabout: Great coverage with average damage. Aim backward for maximum range."

(CUPHEAD gasps in horror at the choices his brother is considering. He hands him the Chaser.)

Cuphead-I think you want this one. You deserve it more than I do, anyway. I've seen your aim.

(He realizes what he just said and takes the potion back.)

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