Episode 15A: Gnome Way Out

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(Start in the King's Castle. The QUEEN, a tall figure in a long red and blue dress, sits typing on a typewriter when CUPHEAD and MUGMAN enter.)

Cuphead-Excuse me?

(The QUEEN glares at them.)

Mugman-We, uh, heard that the King's final champion was in here.

Queen-How dare you? I was busy transcribing my own dictation!

Cuphead-I think that's called writing.

Queen-Well, if it's a fight you're looking for, it's a fight you'll get!

(She flips the table and stands up.)

Queen-Have at you!

(She raises her staff. Three pink lion figures on top of each other land beside CUPHEAD and MUGMAN and slide towards them. CUPHEAD parries them.)

Mugman-How are we supposed to hit her?

Cuphead-Uh, hello!

(He points at the three cannons with pink fuses pointed towards the QUEEN.)


(He parries the right cannon. It fires a cannonball at the QUEEN. She begins shifting left and right and takes out two jewelry boxes. Jeweled eggs fly out of them and land around the boys.)

Cuphead-Oh no! It's raining...

(He picks one up.)


(He throws it back at the QUEEN. It misses.)

Cuphead-Worth a shot.

(The QUEEN sends three more lion figures. MUGMAN parries them and then parries the left cannon, shooting another cannonball. The QUEEN brings out her jewelry boxes and pelts them with jeweled eggs.)

Cuphead-Ugh, this is so tedious! Let's get this over with.

(He parries the middle cannon. It fires a cannonball that misses.)


Mugman-You gotta make sure it's pointed towards her.

Cuphead-Pointed what now?

Mugman-You see how the cannons are moving?

(CUPHEAD looks at the cannons. They rotate left and right.)

Cuphead-What in the--

Mugman-You gotta wait until the cannon is aimed at her and then...

(He parries the left cannon. It misses.)


Cuphead-This is impossible!

Mugman-Until it isn't.

(He parries the middle cannon. The cannonball hits the QUEEN.)

Cuphead-I can do that.

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