Episode 5A: Pyramid Peril

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(Start on the second isle. MUGMAN is sitting on a bench. CUPHEAD is asleep with his head in MUGMAN's lap. MUGMAN narrates.)

Mugman-(voice only) So Cuphead got a huge sugar crash at the Candy Castle. It was cute a while ago, but we were burning daylight, and those soul contracts didn't collect themselves!

(He gives CUPHEAD's nose a little squeeze. CUPHEAD is still asleep. MUGMAN sighs and begins bouncing his knee up and down, bouncing CUPHEAD's head.)

Mugman-(quietly) Cupheeeeeead, wake uuuuuuuuup.

(Nothing happens.)

Mugman-I guess you leave me no choice. WAKE UP, SLEEPYCUP!

(He smacks CUPHEAD in the face. CUPHEAD starts awake.)

Cuphead-Hey! That hurt!

Mugman-Quit being so dramatic.

Cuphead-You mock my pain! I have been smacked at least five times today! Why'd you even wake me up?

Mugman-You can't sleep forever.

Cuphead-Can I?

(He closes his eyes and snores exaggeratedly.)

Mugman-We need to get those contracts.

(He bounces both his knees once. CUPHEAD sits up.)

Cuphead-You don't need to do that.

Mugman-Anything to get you awake, brother.

(They get up and begin walking. They come across RON again.)

Cuphead-Oh, hey! It's that guy!

Ron-Good timing, fellath! I jutht added thome upgradeth to your aeroplaneth. Now you can wallop your foeth with bombth! Jutht thwitch your weapon whenever it thtriketh your fanthy.

Cuphead-Really? Sounds excellent! Thank you.

Ron-My pleathure.

(CUPHEAD and MUGMAN walk off. MUGMAN gets out the list.)


(He points at a pyramid with a banner that says "Come see the amazing DJIMMI THE GREAT perform on stage! Real magic! Mystery! Be amazed! Right here!")

Cuphead-"Duh-zhee-mee the Great"? Sounds trustworthy.

Mugman-And it sounds like a particular name on the list.

Cuphead-How? Is Real Magic on the list?


(He points at the name "Djimmi the Great" on the list. CUPHEAD looks at it.)

Mugman-But Djimmi the Great is.

Cuphead-Oh. Right. Should've known Real Magic wasn't a name. I can't think straight right now, thank you very much.

Mugman-How do you say we crash a magic show?

Cuphead-I never thought I'd hear you say that. Let's go!

(They high-five. Then they walk inside the pyramid. Cut to inside the pyramid. There are several chairs facing a stage. CUPHEAD and MUGMAN sit in the front row.)

Mugman-Okay, game plan. How do we do this?

Cuphead-He gets on stage, and then I shout "STOP RIGHT THERE!"

(Everyone else in the audience looks at them.)

Mugman-No! No! No! We can't be too up-front. Don't magicians ask for volunteers?

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