Episode 4B: Sugar Land Shimmy

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(Start on the second Inkwell Isle, which is themed after an amusement park. CUPHEAD and MUGMAN are walking around admiring the scenery.)

Cuphead-The second isle has always been my favorite. We have to do our best not to get distracted.

Mugman-(pointing at something) What's that over there?

(He's pointing at a cupcake-shaped building with a sign that says "Baroness von Bon Bon's Candy Castle".)

Cuphead-Forget what I just said. We're getting some dessert!

(Cut to the inside, which appears to be a lavishly decorated candy shop/bakery. The proprietor, BARONESS VON BON BON, a young woman in a pink gown with a literal candy cane, sees CUPHEAD and MUGMAN enter and comes out to greet them.)

Baroness von Bon Bon-Welcome to Baroness von Bon Bon's Candy Castle!

Cuphead-You mean like that one over there?

(He points to a pink castle to the side that looks like it's decorated with frosting.)

Bon-Bon-No. It's confusing, isn't it?

(Cut to a few minutes later. CUPHEAD is holding a plate piled with sweets and digs in, while MUGMAN has one cookie.)

Mugman-Don't get a sugar rush, Cuphead!

(BON BON approaches them.)

Bon-Bon-So how are you enjoying your dessert?

Cuphead-(with his mouth full) Deeeeeelicious!

Bon-Bon-Glad to hear it. Baking and candy-making have always been my passion. I like to think of myself as a candy queen with a candy castle and candy subjects.

Cuphead-But isn't a baroness lower than a queen?

(BON BON sneers and smacks CUPHEAD with her cane.)

Cuphead-I think we started off on the wrong foot. Hello. I'm...

(He tries to curtsy, but he realizes he's a dude and bows.)

Cuphead-Cuphead. This is my brother, Mugman. How are you today?

Bon-Bon-(to MUGMAN) How come they call you Mugman if you're just a boy?

Mugman-Actually, my name's supposed to be prophetic. It foretells my becoming a man in the future. Unfortunately, my brother sometimes calls me Mugboy.

Cuphead-Hey, Mugboy! Quit stealing my conversation! (to BON BON) So...how did you start making sweets?

Bon-Bon-Well, I don't normally tell people this story, but I guess I'll tell you. When I was a little girl, I had this disease where I couldn't eat too much sugar. However, that didn't stop me from sneaking lollipops out of the candy shop every day. One fateful day, however, all that sugar I ate caught up to me, and I fell into a coma. When I woke up, I expected the first people to visit me would be my parents to scold me for eating so much sugar behind their backs, but instead, it was Old Scratch himself!

Mugman-Is that the Devil?

Bon-Bon-Yes. As I was saying, while he was there, he made me an offer: he would cure me of my disease so that I would never have to worry about eating too much sugar again, and all he asked in return was my soul. I was only six back then, so I immediately sprang for the option that let me keep eating sugar. My love of sweets hasn't subsided since, and when I got a little older, I opened this little beauty.

(While she's talking, MUGMAN opens the list and reads it. He nudges CUPHEAD.)

Cuphead-(whispering) What is it?

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