Episode 11B: One Hell of a Time (Main Series Finale)

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[Note: if this is being aired on a more kid-friendly network or time slot, the title can be changed to "One Heck of a Time."]

(Start in Inkwell Hell. CUPHEAD and MUGMAN are standing in front of a smaller building to the right of the casino.)

Mugman-What's this over here?

Cuphead-I don't know, but I'm going to scour every inch of this cave for the Devil. No more surprise run-ins with King Dice. We're going in, and we're getting it over with.

Mugman-You said it!

(They walk through the door into the DEVIL's throne room. The DEVIL is sitting on his throne. He is significantly larger than he was in his last appearance. CUPHEAD and MUGMAN look up at him, awestruck.)

Devil-So my guests have finally come back to me!

Mugman-Indeed we have!

(CUPHEAD takes out the contract box.)

Cuphead-And we have what you asked for.

Devil-Well, well, well...look how far you've come! Not only did you bust up my good-for-nothing lackey, King Dice, but I see you've got my soul contracts, as agreed!

(He holds his hand out towards CUPHEAD.)

Devil-Hand 'em over, and join my team!

(CUPHEAD scowls.)

Cuphead-Wait a minute! Join your team? You said you'd let us go free!

(He slams the box on the floor, spilling the contracts everywhere.)

Cuphead-No deal!



Mugman-You don't just say no to evil incarnate! You're the one who started this whole mess! Everything we've done for the past two days is because of you! We come to the end of the tunnel, contracts in hand, and what do you do? You throw it all away! Now we're never getting out of here!

Cuphead-I can't believe you haven't figured it out. We've been collecting the contracts so that we could get close enough to the Devil...to beat him into submission!

(Dun dun dunnnnnnn! MUGMAN is just glaring at CUPHEAD with his arms crossed.)

Mugman-Cuphead, out of all the things you've said, ever, that is the least believable piece of-

(CUPHEAD pinches his lips shut.)

Cuphead-Cool your spout, Mugman. I'm trying to give my heroic speech.

(He takes a step closer to the DEVIL and picks up a fallen contract.)

Cuphead-Look at these contracts! Who do they belong to? People! All seventeen debtors had a reason to give their soul over. Let's see...

(He opens the contract. It's Baroness von Bon Bon's.)

Cuphead-This contract belonged to a little girl who wanted immunity from the ill effects of sugar so she could follow her dream of running her own candy shop.

(He picks up another contract. It's Cagney Carnation's.)

Cuphead-Cagney Carnation wanted the size and strength to be able to seek justice for his fellow flowers who had been picked, plucked, and stepped on. And over here...

(He picks up a third contract. It's Cala Maria's.)

Cuphead-Cala Maria. All she wanted was to be beautiful so that no one would be afraid of her, and for once, she might be able to have a friend.

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