Episode 3A: Threatenin' Zeppelin

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(Start on the first isle. CUPHEAD and MUGMAN are walking. MUGMAN is looking over the list.)

Cuphead-Mugman, I don't think studying the list so intently is going to find us any debtors.

Mugman-Come on, Cuphead. I'm just trying to see if there are any names here that I recognize.

Cuphead-I thought you said you didn't recognize any of those names.

Mugman-Did I?

(He thinks for a moment. Flashback to "Botanic Panic".)

Mugman-(in flashback) I don't recognize any of these names. That's a good thing, I guess.

(Return to the present.)

Mugman-I guess I did.

(Zoom in on one name on the list: Hilda Berg.)

Mugman-Actually, I think I do recognize one of these names, though I can't remember from where. Does the name Hilda Berg ring any bells?

Cuphead-Hilda Berg? I think it does. Isn't she a reporter for the Inkwell Inquisitor?

Mugman-That's it! She writes the almanac.

Cuphead-The what?

Mugman-You know, the weather, movement of the stars, horoscopes, that sort of stuff. She's on the list, huh?

Cuphead-Alright. The question is how do we find her?

(They come across RON, a pilot flask, buffing a blue airplane. A red one sits next to it.)

Cuphead-Well, would you look at that?

(He approaches the red plane and puts his hand on it.)

Cuphead-This looks like a mighty fine-

Ron-Hey! No touching the aeroplaneth.

Cuphead-Sorry. It's just that I've always had an interest in aviation.

Mugman-Really? It's news to me.

Ron-What'th that? You two want to fly in a plane like I do? Ha! You're not thitting in any cockpit until you've thtudied thothe blueprinth.

(He points at some blueprints sitting on a podium. CUPHEAD picks them up. He and MUGMAN look over them.)

Cuphead-This looks easy enough. That wheel thing in the middle steers. The button on the left stick shoots. The one on the right launches EX attack. The dial on the left shrinks the plane? That's pretty cool. Super Meter is on the right. One section=EX attack. Full meter=Super Bomb Morph. And there's the Super Bomb Morph button.

(He puts the blueprints down.)

Cuphead-Well, thanks for letting us look at these.

Ron-My pleathure. Gueth you two mugth are ready for the wild blue yonder. Remember, thothe birdth you're flyin' have their own trickth. Fanthy fighting moveth on the ground don't apply up there, though you can thtill parry like the dickenth. Be thure to thrink yourthelf when the need aritheth. Remember, when you're short, tho'th your range, thee? Well, good luck, I thuppothe.

Cuphead-Is there any way we can get some hands-on experience?

Ron-I'd be willing to loan you thethe babieth for a couple of dayth.

(CUPHEAD gasps. Cut to outside an observatory.)

Cuphead-Wow! Our very own airplanes! Can you believe it?

Mugman-It's just for a couple of days, Cuphead.

Cuphead-Wait a minute. We have to get all those contracts in a couple of days. How are we supposed to fit in flight practice?

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