Episode 13B: I Want My Mommy

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(Start in the king's castle. CUPHEAD and MUGMAN are facing off against a three-headed bishop.)

Cuphead-Well well well, if it isn't my old enemy: religion.

Mugman-At least we don't have a time limit this time.

(Ten candles spread across the room, and the three heads turn pink and begin floating around as a unit.)

Cuphead-I got it!

(He jumps up and gets hit by a floating bell.)

Cuphead-Wha--how did that get there?

(MUGMAN jumps up and parries the head. Three of the candles light up.)

Cuphead-Ah! There's fire!

Mugman-I get the feeling we shouldn't touch it.

(He accidentally touches a candle and puts it out.)

Mugman-Oh. Looks like the candles are fine.


(He jumps up and puts out the last two candles. The heads turn pink. CUPHEAD parries them. He lands on the floor.)

Cuphead-And stick the landing!

(Four of the candles light up.)

Mugman-Oh, now I get it! We have to put out the candles to parry the head!

Cuphead-Way ahead of you.

(He puts out the bottom candle. MUGMAN puts out the two middle candles. Then he puts out the top candle and parries the head. He lands next to CUPHEAD.)

Mugman-Who's way ahead now?

(Four different candles light up.)

Cuphead-You want to see me get all four in one go?

Mugman-I mean, you can try if you want to.

(CUPHEAD jumps up and only get the top candle.)

Cuphead-Hm...maybe I miscalculated something.

Mugman-I've never seen you calculate anything.

(He jumps down, putting out the last three candles in the process. He runs across the room to put out the bishops' heads. Except the heads pass him.)

Mugman-Oh, come on!

Cuphead-Don't worry. I got you.

(He parries the heads instead. Four candles in the middle of the room light up.)

Cuphead-I'll take the top, you take the bottom, okay?

Mugman-But there are two in the middle. How do we decide if those are top or bottom?

(CUPHEAD puts out the two middle candles.)

Cuphead-Problem solved.

(Then he gets the top and bottom candles.)

Mugman-You said I could take the bottom.

(CUPHEAD parries the heads.)

Cuphead-(mockingly) "Mom said it's my turn to put out the candles." I'm on a roll, okay?

(Five candles light up. MUGMAN puts out one of them.)

Mugman-So maybe I am worked up about a few candles. It's just--wait, did you just say Mom?

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