Episode 7A: Honeycomb Herald

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(Start on the Second Isle. CUPHEAD and MUGMAN are approaching another Die House between the Second and Third Isles.)

Mugman-Are you sure we should be moving on just yet? What if there's one missing and King Dice doesn't let us through?

Cuphead-It's worth a shot.

(They go inside. Cut to inside the Die House. KING DICE is waiting for them again. Next to him are the Roman numerals I through V, all of which are crossed out.)

King Dice-Looks like I mighta underestimated ya, Cupface. You gave it to them debtors but good! Go on over to the next island. Lotsa fun times waitin' for ya there! Ha ha ha!

(He disappears through a hole in the floor.)

Mugman-"Fun times," he says.

Cuphead-See? We do have all the contracts. Let's go!

(They exit through the other side. Cut to the DEVIL's office. The DEVIL is sitting at his desk counting money. KING DICE is standing next to him.)

King Dice-The little mugs have some fight in 'em, I'll say that much. They're makin' mincemeat outta them debtors!

Devil-You see! I knew there was something special about those fellas!

King Dice-Well, don't be too sure just yet, boss. I think there's somethin' fishy about those two.

Devil-Don't blow your wig, Dice. If those two little finks try anything, I'll be waiting!

(Meanwhile, CUPHEAD and MUGMAN cross the bridge to the Third Isle, which looks like a big city.)

Cuphead-Here we are. The Third Isle. I've always loved the Third Isle.

Mugman-Isn't that what you said about the Second Isle?

Cuphead-Can't I like them both?

Mugman-Hey, Cuphead. You know how you're always hiking up your shorts? [He actually does do this from time to time. I forgot to include it in any of the other scripts.]


Mugman-Now that we're in the city, we can get you a belt.

Cuphead-I don't need a belt. I am perfectly fine hiking up my shorts as long as they don't completely fall off. What does it matter to you if I'm having trouble keeping my pants up? You drink through your own straw, and you don't see me complaining. Why do you even do that, anyway?

(A pause. Then MUGMAN crosses his arms.)

Mugman-Personal reasons.

(Just then, a BEE COP cuts off their path. CUPHEAD and MUGMAN are startled.)

Bee Cop-You Cuphead and Mugman?

Cuphead-(nervously) Yeah. Why do you ask?

Bee Cop-I'd like you to come with me.

Cuphead-What? Why? What did we do wrong-

(The BEE COP grabs them both by the wrists and drags them to a tall yellow building. Cut to the office of RUMOR HONEYBOTTOMS, according to the name plate on the desk. The large leather chair is turned away, concealing its occupant. The BEE COP enters with CUPHEAD and MUGMAN.)

Bee Cop-I brought those boys like you said, boss.

Cuphead-(quietly to MUGMAN) Oh, great. Another boss.

(The chair turns around. Sitting in it is RUMOR HONEYBOTTOMS, a bee-woman with a yellow and black dress, wings, a little golden crown, and a gold scepter.)

Rumor-Thank you. You may leave.

(The BEE COP exits. RUMOR looks straight at CUPHEAD and MUGMAN.)

Rumor-So you're the infamous Cuphead and Mugman that I've been hearing so much about.

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