Episode 15B: A Dish to Die For (DLC/True Series Finale)

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(Start where the last episode left off.)


(CHINA nods.)

China-I turned away for a second, and the next thing I knew, he was gone! I should have never taken my eyes off of him!

Chalice-Well, that's a pickle.

China-It's more than a pickle. Who knows what could be happening to him right now?

(MUGMAN gasps.)

Mugman-That's it!

China/Chalice-What is it?

Mugman-What if we ask Chef Saltbaker? He might be able to give us some clues as to where he's gone!

Chalice-And we can drop off the ingredients while we're at it!

China-It's worth a shot.

(Cut to SALTBAKER's bakery. MUGMAN and CHALICE enter. CHALICE is crouching and doing the spooky fingers.)

Chalice-We have come for your Wondertart!

Saltbaker-(offscreen) GET OUT OF MY BAKERY!

(CHALICE stops playing around. They both flinch.)

Chalice-What was that?

Mugman-And what's that?

(He points ahead of them. One of the cases is pushed backwards, and a trap door is open on the floor.)

Chalice-You know what we gotta do now, right?

(They look at each other and nod.)

Chalice/Mugman-Go further in.

(They step through the trap door and down a spiral staircase. They find themselves in some kind of catacomb.)

Mugman-What is this place?

Chalice-I don't know. I've known Saltbaker for years, and I've never been down here. I mean, it's not that surprising coming from a Calix, but Saltbaker doesn't strike me as the "creepy catacomb" type, either. Let's keep going.

(They run down the catacomb, passing torches and stacks of skulls. They reach the end, where they find the silhouette of SALTBAKER laughing maniacally against a wall.)

Mugman-That's...not right.

Chalice-What's going on?

(They go up a couple stairs to find SALTBAKER behind a wooden counter holding a knife.)

Saltbaker-Welcome back, you meddlesome brats!

Chalice-Meddlesome? You take that back!

Saltbaker-I didn't think you'd be back so soon.

(He stabs the counter.)

Saltbaker-No matter. It's too late to stop me now. The Wondertart will be my finest work yet! A shame I haven't told you about the most important secret ingredient...

(He lifts his arm, revealing CUPHEAD's ghost in a glass container.)

Saltbaker-A living soul! While you suckers were out doing my bidding, I nabbed your little friend here. When his soul is baked into the Wondertart, the cosmic powers of the astral plane will be mine!

Cuphead-Mugman! Alice! You gotta help me!

Chalice-(to MUGMAN) I think I know what to tell your mom now.

Saltbaker-But first, I'll take those ingredients.

(He takes the Gnome Berries out of CHALICE's hands. Then he snaps his fingers. The Distillery Dough, Desert Limes, Pineapple Mint, and Icy Sugar Cubes come flying out of their pockets.)

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