Episode 1B: Botanic Panic!

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(Start on the first Inkwell Isle, which looks like a forest or park. CUPHEAD and MUGMAN are walking. CUPHEAD narrates.)

Cuphead-(voice-only) That's when the reality of the situation began to settle in: we had to collect some souls. (speaking, to MUGMAN) Hey, Mugs, do you have that list of people whose souls we need?

(MUGMAN pulls out the debtor list.)

Mugman-I have it right here.

Cuphead-So how many of these soul contracts do we need to get?

(MUGMAN looks over the list, his eyes slowly widening.)

Cuphead-Three? Five? However many debtors there are, I can take 'em.


Cuphead-Seventeen?! How does the Devil expect us to get 17 soul contracts in two days?

Mugman-Well, it's this or be his slaves for eternity.

Cuphead-Hmm...slaves for eternity...

(He imagines a deranged CUPHEAD and MUGMAN laughing maniacally as the DEVIL smiles in the background.)

Cuphead-I pick this.

(They cross a bridge, where MAC, a guy with an apple for a head, is sitting on a post.)

Mac-Hey, fellas! Looks like you're in for it now, eh? Well, I used to be the same way, always gettin' into trouble, runnin', jumpin', shootin', but now I just prefer strollin' around and goin' to the pictures. But hey, lemme give ya a hand! Take this!

(He puts three coins in each of their hands.)

Cuphead-Three coins? Swell! I told you, Mugs. It's all about that money. (to MAC) Well, Mr. Apple-head-man, for your generous gift, I thank you, and I will see you...

(He snaps his fingers. A light blue bullet of sorts shoots out. MAC leans out of the way.)

Mac-Watch where you point that thing, young man. Now, what were you saying?

(CUPHEAD doesn't respond, instead staring in awe at his finger. He snaps out of it and looks at MAC.)

Cuphead-Nothing. See you later.

(He and MUGMAN walk off.)

Cuphead-What was that? It must have been those magical abilities Elder Kettle was talking about.

Mugman-Jeepers. These magic powers sure are nifty, but I don't think I could ever shoot anybody with it. What about you, Cuphead?

(CUPHEAD is pointing his finger around, looking for something to shoot. MUGMAN looks at the camera.)

Mugman-Golly! (to CUPHEAD) Cuphead, I don't think you should be pointing that around. You could get someone hurt, and I don't want us getting into any more trouble than we're already in.

Cuphead-More trouble? Mugman, we're already in more trouble than either of us can ever imagine. How bad can it possibly be? Watch this: if you run off before you get caught, you don't get into any trouble.

(He snaps his fingers. Another bullet hits a tree. CUPHEAD quickly runs off. MUGMAN follows him. They go deeper into the forest, which is inhabited by sunflower-like creatures with legs, purple tulips that shoot projectiles, red mushrooms that shoot pink and purple puffs of gas, and little blue balls with limbs and faces. At this point, CUPHEAD is shooting things at random. Whenever something gets hit, it disappears into a little puff of smoke.)

Mugman-Cuphead, what do you think you're doing?!

Cuphead-Running and gunning, that's what I'm doing! These magic powers are the best thing ever!

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