004. ━ sister, sister

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season three // episodes two and three[ sister, sister ]

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season three // episodes two and three
[ sister, sister ]

❝See? You look sad again.❞


Abby turned her head and looked at the lawyer with a frown. "'Congratulations'?" she repeated slowly. "'Congratulations'? There is nothing here to be celebrated."

"No, I—" The lawyer stumbled over his words and Abby faced the front of the courtroom once more. "I just mean—"

"I know what you meant," she interrupted, glancing at him. "Wrong choice of words. There is no congratulations. No celebrations should take place. He got what he deserved. The end."

"Of course." The lawyer nodded. "I just think that—"

"I would stop," she said. "Before you finish that sentence."

Abby let out a breath and made her way to her patient's room, walking in. "I hope you gave me a good intern today, Bailey," she said before turning to her patient and his sister. "Good morning, Benjamin, Ruth."

"Good morning, Dr. Thompson," Ruth replied.

"It doesn't feel like a good morning to me," Benjamin said. "I have to have brain surgery today. Pretty scary. Plus, my sister is nervous. When she gets nervous, she sweats, and the windows in here don't open, so it's pretty rank."

Ruth looked at him. "Benjamin."

"Was I rude, Ruthie?" he asked and Bailey handed Abby the chart.

"Let the doctors talk."

Abby nodded at Cristina to present. "Benjamin O'Leary, thirty-two, in for the removal of a brain tumor that's pressing on his frontal temporal lobe. Clearly, it's affecting his impulse control."

"It makes me say everything I think," Benjamin told them, looking at Abby. "Which apparently is annoying. This doctor looks annoyed." Abby glanced at Cristina. "Although it's hard to tell 'cause she always has kind of an uptight look on her face." The interns all chuckled and the attending let out a breath. "Am I annoying you?"

Cristina shook her head. "It's fine."

"You can't say it's fine," Ruth said to her. "He doesn't perceive sarcasm or irony. If he's annoying you, you have to tell him."

Benjamin shrugged. "Maybe I'm not annoying her, Ruthie."

"No, you are," Cristina confirmed.

"Dr. Yang..." Bailey said in a warning tone.

Cristina pointed at him. "He asked!"

"Okay, Benjamin," Abby said, clearing her throat, and trying to bring the conversation back to his upcoming surgery. "Dr. Yang — pinched and annoying though she may be — is gonna prep you for surgery. And do either of you have any questions for me?"

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