001. ━ seattle grace

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season two // episode twenty-five[ seattle grace ]

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season two // episode twenty-five
[ seattle grace ]

❝I don't recall asking for
your permission.❞

𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐆𝐀𝐈𝐋 𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐒𝐀𝐓 𝐀𝐓 𝐇𝐄𝐑 desk and ran a hand through her dark brown hair before rubbing her tired hazel eyes. She glanced at the clock on her wall; Ana should be awake by now. She'd call in a few hours. She looked up when she heard a knock on the door.

"Sorry to interrupt, Dr. Thompson," the nurse said. "But there's a call for you on line two."

Abby shook her head. "I'm all booked for the week," she replied, taking hold of a highlighter and taking yet another file from the stack to her left.

"It's... not a patient," the nurse told her and Abby furrowed her brows in confusion. "It's Seattle Grace Hospital. Richard Webber is on the phone."

"Why would they be calling me?" Abby asked, leaning back in her chair with a sigh. "Don't they have a capable neurosurgeon of their own?" The nurse shrugged and the brunette let out a breath. "Alright. Thank you."

Abby rolled her neck and took hold of the receiver.

"Dr. Thompson speaking," she said.

"Dr. Thompson," the voice on the other end greeted. "Thank you for taking my call. I'm sure you must be very busy."

Abby shook her head. "I'm never too busy to take a call from you," she said, thumping the highlighter against the notepad in front of her. "Is there something I can help you with?"

"Yes," he said with a nod. "There is. I was wondering how soon you would be able to get on a plane to Seattle. All funds would be provided by us, of course."

"I could check... is there a reason why?"

"Our ER has been flooded with traumas," Richard replied as she bit her bottom lip. "And while we can handle them, our neurosurgeon might need some help."

Abby knitted her eyebrows together. "Surely you have more than one neurosurgeon staffed in your hospital?"

"We do," he confirmed with a sigh. "But he's been out sick for the past week and Dr. Shepherd has been alone." Abby raised her eyebrows at the mention of the neurosurgeon's name. "He's more than capable but I think today he might need some help. And you have a terrific track record with pregnant patients."

Abby cleared her throat. "Wait, wait... Derek Shepherd is your neurosurgeon?" she asked. "How soon do you want me there?"

"As soon as you could," Richard said. "Thank you very much, Dr. Thompson."

She shook her head. "I wouldn't be thanking me just yet, Dr. Webber," she told the chief of surgery. "I imagine Dr. Shepherd won't be too pleased." She hung up the phone and looked at the phone. "Well, this is gonna be fun..."

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