009. ━ emergency contact

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season three // episode ten[ emergency contact ]

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season three // episode ten
[ emergency contact ]

❝Me? Tense? Not at all.❞

𝐀𝐁𝐁𝐘 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐊 𝐒𝐀𝐓 𝐈𝐍 𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐃'𝐒 office with Bailey, Cristina, and Burke, a stinging silence filling the room. Abby glanced at Derek just as Bailey stood up in frustration and walked to the door before pausing and turning to look at the chief of surgery.

"What's gonna happen to them?" she asked, gesturing to the cardio surgeon and intern.


"Dr. Burke and Dr. Yang—" she clarified. "What are you gonna do to them, their punishment?"

"Dr. Bailey—"

Bailey shook her head. "There's a need for justice here."

"'Justice'?" Derek repeated, furrowing his brows. He looked at Abby who simply shrugged.

"Justice has no definition within the four walls of a hospital, Dr. Bailey," Richard told her. "This isn't a court of law."

"I just wanna know what's gonna be done."

Abby tilted her head. "It's a valid question."

Richard sighed and leaned back in his chair. "Legally and technically, they've done nothing wrong. Nobody died, and there was no malpractice. I haven't made a decision."

Bailey's face hardened. "Excuse me. He—"

"He what?" Richard questioned.

Burke looked at Bailey and she clenched her jaw, looking him directly in the eye. "Nothing."

"Dr. Yang," Richard said, looking at the intern. "You'll go back on the floor with Dr. Bailey."


"Dr. Bailey, am I not understanding this?" Richard asked, becoming visibly annoyed with the resident. "Does this situation directly harm you in some way?"

Bailey crossed her arms. "No, sir. I am fine."

"Then get back to work." Bailey sent one last glare at Burke before leaving the office with Cristina following her. Abby let out an exasperated breath as the door closed. "Burke, you, Shepherd, and Thompson need to come together on this tremor as soon as possible."

"He doesn't want my help," Derek told him.


"I don't want his help," Burke confirmed.

"That hand is worth $2 million," Richard said, calmly but forcefully. "I want it fixed, and I want it fixed yesterday. If you don't want Derek's help, then Abby will do it. Either way, figure it out. Am I understood?" The two neurosurgeons both nodded and he looked at the cardio surgeon. "Burke?"

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