008. ━ abby and addie

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season three // episodes eight and nine[ abby and addie ]

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season three // episodes eight and nine
[ abby and addie ]

❝Are you dating my sister?❞

𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐊 𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐍𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐊, Anabel Thompson's medical file spread out in front of him. It had been nearly a week since Abby gave him her sister's file and he hadn't made so much as a dent. Every spare moment he had, was spent reading the file, trying to find any kind of solution.

But he had nothing.

Not only did Anabel deserve a chance at living a semi-normal life, but Derek felt that he owed it to Abby to try and help. She had already forgiven him — for reasons Derek still didn't fully know — but he still felt some guilt. He felt guilty for going behind her back and digging up something so personal and private. Guilty for making her angry.

"Hey, what's got you so focused?" Mark asked, walking up to his former best friend. They still hadn't fully regained their friendship, but Derek hadn't been ignoring him as much anymore, taking some of what Abby had told him to heart.

"Anabel Thompson," Derek replied, holding one of the brain scans up to the light.

Mark raised his eyebrows. "Are you creepily going through Abby's past again?" he asked, crossing his arms. "Because if she finds out, I'd start running..."

"No, she gave me her file," Derek said with a sigh before looking up. "But I don't know how to help her."

"Have you talked to Abs about it?"

He shook his head. "No. I—I want to help her. I want to be able to find a way to help her sister, but these scans are old. For all I know, the brain has deteriorated more. I need accurate scans."

"So get them." Mark shrugged. "You work in a technologically advanced hospital full of machines. I think you'll—you'll..."

Derek furrowed his brows as Mark trailed off, his attention being caught by something near the front entrance. He turned around and saw Abby and Addison walking into the hospital together, laughing at something the brunette had said.

"I didn't know they were close," Mark commented.

"Neither did I..."

"Hi, guys," Abby said with a smile, looking at the two men. "I see you're talking. Have you finally made up?"

Derek looked at her before shaking his head. "Uh, no. Ju—Just talking about a case." He glanced between his friend and ex-wife. "So... when did this happen?"

"Well, funnily enough, we both had a case late last night so I offered her a place to crash for the night since I'm closer than her hotel," Abby replied with a shrug. "Derek, how come you never mentioned how funny she was? Gosh, we couldn't fall asleep, we were laughing so much."

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