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season three // episodes thirteen and fourteen[ a date? ]

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season three // episodes thirteen and fourteen
[ a date? ]

❝Why were you smiling creepily
while you said that?❞

𝐀𝐁𝐁𝐘 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐒 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐄 night. Granted, they weren't the most exciting plans, but she had plans. That was until Derek Shepherd bombarded her in the parking lot with a pleading look on her face that resulted in her attending a dinner at Preston Burke's apartment.

She was currently glaring at Derek and he smiled back innocently at her.

She rolled her eyes and turned her attention to the woman behind the cardio surgeon. Cristina was sitting on the kitchen counter with a box of cereal in her hand while Burke was pouring Abby her third glass of wine.

"Abby?" She tore her gaze away from the intern and looked at Burke, raising her eyebrows. "Would you like seconds? I've noticed that you gave Derek your chicken."

"Oh." She shook her head with a smile. "I'm just not very hungry," she replied. "Thank you, though. But maybe Cristina would like some?"

"I only made enough for three," Burke said before she could say anything.

Abby furrowed her brows. "But I thought you said that there was enough for seconds..."

She shot Derek an annoyed look and he cleared his throat, neither noticing that Cristina was glancing between them. "So, this is, uh, awkward." Abby slumped in her seat, wanting to bang her head on the table. "You know, uh, we can go, and—and you two can talk."

"Oh, we're talking," Burke replied.

Abby frowned. "I think he meant to each other," she said, pointing between them. "You know... face-to-face... words being exchanged..."

"I am giving a—a dinner party," Burke contradicted making Derek and Abby look at each other. "If she wants to sit there, she can sit there. Let's just enjoy our evening and talk about something else."

Abby held her head in her hand while Derek obliged the cardio surgeon's request. "I heard a crazy rumor today from one of the scrub nurses that Richard was retiring."

The brunette furrowed her brows at him. "Why were you smiling creepily while you said that?" she asked.

"Mm." Burke nodded, perhaps almost too enthusiastically causing Abby to quirk an eyebrow upward at him. "That's an interesting rumor."

Cristina scoffed at her boyfriend making Derek knit his eyebrows together. "What? It's true?" he asked. "Richard's gonna name a new chief of surgery?"

"He asked Burke," Cristina said. "But Burke took himself out of the running, which, apparently, is my fault for being a part of the team."

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