006. ━ digging too far

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season three // episodes five and six[ digging too far ]

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season three // episodes five and six
[ digging too far ]

❝Get a life, Derek. Stop trying
to figure out mine.❞

𝐀𝐁𝐁𝐘 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐃 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃 𝐈𝐍 her hand, trying to keep her eyes open. Anabel was watching Dirty Dancing for the sixth time that week... and it was only Tuesday.

"Nobody puts baby in a corner," she said with the movie and Abby looked over in amusement.

She stood up and stretched, stifling a yawn. She walked over to her sister and kissed the top of her head before wrapping the blanket tighter around her shoulder. "Okay, I have to go to work. Try and get some sleep, okay, snowball?"

"Bye, Abby."

Abby glanced at the clock on the wall — 7:15 am and she let out a sigh. She had been asleep at home when she got a call saying that Anabel wouldn't go back to sleep unless she came and tucked her in. Abby, being the big sister she was, hurried over and agreed to stay until she would have to leave. Unfortunately, Anabel never went back to sleep, only watching Dirty Dancing.

She leaned against the wall outside of Anabel's room before making her way to the exit, stopping when she heard a familiar voice. "Derek Shepherd, here to see Ian Phillips."

She looked over and saw Derek at the receptionist's desk. She quietly inched closer to the door, hoping he wouldn't see her. Unfortunately—

"Abby!" She grimaced and turned around, seeing Shiela walking toward her with a file in her hand. Derek, meanwhile, had looked over, having heard her name.

"Shiela," Abby said with a forced smile.

"I'm glad I caught you," Shiela said. "I have some paperwork for Anabel's stay." Abby nodded distractedly, seeing Derek start to walk over to her out of the corner of her eye. "Would there be a time that's good for you?"

"Um, anytime that is not right now," Abby replied. "And I'm actually to be late for—Derek."

"Derek?" Shiela repeated, furrowing her brows. "Who's Derek?"

"That'd be me," he said, standing next to Abby who sighed. "The better neurosurgeon at Seattle Grace."

Abby quirked an eyebrow upward at him before shaking her head. "Listen, I would love nothing more than to talk, but I have a patient at the hospital, so... bye."

"Abby, wait—" Shiela sighed as Abby quickly ran out to the parking lot, avoiding the rain that was starting to come down. "—you forgot the paperwork."

"I can bring it to her if you'd like,' Derek offered and she looked at him. "I'll see you later at work."

Shiela smiled gratefully and gave him the stack of papers. "That would be great," she said. "Just tell her to call me if she has any questions. Anabel's most recent set of brain scans are in that folder."

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