Chapter 6

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Namjoon didn't call Hyejin like he promised.She waited because she thought finally they could be more than just acquaintances.She found out a week later he was in Itaewon for a business deal.She decided to move on with her life.He didn't deserve her at all .

She was having a date with a famous k-pop rapper called J-hope.She was excited for the date because he was so nice to her when he came for a business meeting with her company.He was the brand for their collection.

He had one of the best styles in the world.She blushed so much when ever he complimented her.He was taking her to a private movie theatre to watch Shang-chi.He was sending her lunch and flowers through out the week.

She called him after work so that they can talk.He found time out of his busy schedule to talk to her .He made her feel so appreciated.

She wore a simple black cargo trousers with gray tang top and paired it with black vans and a black bag.She added a simple sliver chain,necklace and earrings.J-hope refused to let her come on her own.

Hyejin answered the door excitedly.

"You look so good babe"

Hyejin blushed at the pet name.This man was making her feel things she hadn't felt in years.

"You don't look bad yourself Hobi"

He winked at her making her giggle.

The ride to the movie theater was great they listened to songs and jammed to only passing a few comments.

The date was magical.They talked throughout the movie.She was so happy when he leaned in to kiss her.He lingered on her lips to seek permission before going for her upper lip.

This was her best kiss and the tingles in her body when rubs her arms or press her closer to his body showed.She loved how he would sneakily put his tongue in her mouth or brush his fingers on her nipples.She welcomed both with enthusiasm.They would kiss in between their conversations and make fun of other couples.

"I had so much fun Hyejin.I hope we can do it sometime again"

"Of course"

"I'll text you when I get to my apartment"

He kissed her one last time.She wrapped her hands around his neck pulling herself closer to him .She moaned when he gentle squeezed her waist,That was permission for him to squeeze her ass,She moaned into his mouth one last time before breaking the kiss.

She panicked when she saw her aunt and uncle cuddling in the couch watching a movie.
She loved how much they cared for each other.She relaxed when she realized they were invested in the movie.She tried her best to tiptoe to her room.She stopped in her tracks when they simultaneously spoke.

"Hope we are meeting your boyfriend soon"

She nervously laughed as she entered her room to avoid any extra embarrassment.

She accepted to be Hobi's girlfriend two weeks later when he surprised her with food since she was working late.He stayed with her until she was leaving the place a quarter to mid-night.

She was almost done with the collection.She was half way through and the tailors had already started sewing in numbers.She loved that Hobi could give his creativity ideas.

Hobi had a one month tour before the launch.When it started they always spoke on the phone until he got extra busy but he always sent a good morning text and good night text.She was much more happier and confident.

One month later (Launch Day)

Wheein and Hyejin said a silent prayer with the models before the program started.They had worked so hard for this and hundreds of celebrities and entertainment news outlets were outside waiting.

"Everyone please stand in line,you guys are entering thirty seconds after Jessi starts perform.Remember feel free .You are the best there can be.Okay one two three go"

Wheein rolled her eyes at their close friend.Suhoon was extra and impatient when it comes to his work.He would curse out everyone, even Wheein and Hyejin weren't exempted and that's why they loved him.He knew how to separate work from friendship.

He knew his boundaries with his bosses though.They could biker for several minutes if they didn't agree on something,which was fine cause at the end of the day their differences created magic.

Hyejin smiled at the models giving them encouragement.Wheein hyped them up with cheers .Hobi was the last to enter,the cast director include all sizes from size four to twenty.It was hard for them to get plus size women to come out because of how Koreans were skeptical about big people but Hyejin and Wheein could care less.They had already in formed the public about suing anyone that body shames or bullies.They were not forgiving anyone as they did.The Skirts and dress looked so good .

They had twenty models.Fifteen women and five men.And the men looked hot in their shirts.The materials of the trousers looks spectacular..They all wore 3 outfits each.

"Babe you are next,slay that run way"

They kissed each other briefly before Hobi left.

"Hyejin and Wheein follow the models after they all enter,walk to the middle bow your head briefly and wave ,Then you come back"

"Yes sir"

They both answered.

Wheein and Hyejin entered as told ,did what they were so supposed and returned.

"I wanted to say thank you to all of you .The models,make up team,my crazy organizer ,the pr team and our amazing designers and tailors.You all worked endlessly and tirelessly.(Wheein chips in)love you all.The after party starts in two hours at the club.
Wheein's parents reserved one of their restaurants for us right now just two streets away.Let's go eat ,freshen up and party."

Hyejin was shocked to see Hobi talking to Namjoon.She thought he wouldn't come for the launch.He still didn't contact her when he returned.She joined her man at the entrance as they waited for their ride.


"Hi babe,This is Mr.Kim Namjoon my record label owner,producer and bestie"

"I know him babe.Anyways see you around Namjoon"

"How have you been little one"

She ignore his greetings and started walking to another side of the entrance.

She entered their car as soon as it arrived and waited for Hobi who entered a few minutes later.

"Should I be jealous or worried??"

"No, was nothing"

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