Chapter 19

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For years she  thought no boy loved her.she cried for hours and hours.she starved herself.she lost her confidence,she was insecure whiles he enjoyed being a fuck boy.

Only for her to find out he threaten any guy that asked her out .He was claiming and laying his steak on me whiles he enjoyed changing women every week.

She was heartbroken and confused.She cried more when she remembered how he rejected her and never noticed her.Basically he wanted to eat his cake and have it too.

The walk back to the hotel room was so weird.They were  all staring at her,who wouldn't?? She looked miserable.She sent Loco a text.Telling him to leave without her and tell no one about her  location.

She texted Wheein pouring her heart out to her.She felt used and blind sighted.It's like her love life was just another roller coaster.Her heart was literally clenching.Wheein was so shocked and was begging her to tell her where she was.Loco left the following day leaving two of his guards behind.

She explored the country with a friend she made when she was out for lunch the following day.She used the time there to try and understand Namjoon but she couldn't.Taehyung has been blowing her phone up.Wheein refused to tell them where she was not that she knew herself.Namjoon and Taehyung realized how hostile and cranky She was getting towards them.

She barely spoke to Taehyung and she had shut down his attempts to arrange a date to get married.She had literally moved back to her apartment and was working twenty -four /seven.

By the time Namjoon realized she was in Rwanda she had gone to Los Angeles.She was still working from where she was so it wasn't an issue.Namjoon's world started to shut  down,when he hadn't gotten a hold of her a month later .

He was wondering what could be wrong.His facial hair was growing and his hair looked unkept.He came to work late and didn't leave until morning.He was missing contracts and could careless about that .Hevwas either drunk or high on weed..Taehyung was trying to be there for him but Wheein keeping him at arms length which was fucking him up as well.

His house was a mess and he was always in the
dark in his study.After a month Hyejin finally returned to South Korea.She called Wheein to come pick her up from the airport.Wheein was so excited her best friend was back.

Frankly after her fallout with Taehyung,she started hooking up with the girl she met at the club.She knew she had to tell Taehyung she cheated and was bi but later.They only started to hook up two days and ago and frankly she like her a lot more than she wanted.

They both hugged excitedly and happily.They  started jumping in circles like little kids.They both fell and started laughing.

"I missed you so much babe"

"Missed you too Wheein"

"I like your new hair.It's giving new bitch"

Hyejin just laughed as they packed her bags .She left with two suitcases and came with five.Hyejin had moved from size 6/8 to size 10/12 and her hips and ass were looking toned.She looked happy ,She realized She loved herself at any weight.She also realized she loved that huge man even more than anything but she was going to fucking punish his stupid ass by make him sick with jealousy.

"So you are going to make him jealous??"

"Just for a week tho I don't want other bitches stealing my man plus I miss making him nuts.I miss sex with him "

"Shhh eww Hwasa that's my brother .keep it pg-13."

The ride to their apartment was so fulfilling they had missed each other so much.Hwasa realized how much  she had missed Seoul.Wheein helped her unpack as they gisted each other about the events that happened.

"What's up with you and Tae??"

"I shut him down when he tried to set the marriage date.I have literally moved all my things from his place"

"He must be losing it "

"Oh he is,I still haven't told him what he did but I will now that you are here."

"Please talk to him ,You know he loves you "

"I know ...."

Hyejin knew something was up as soon as she saw her bestie chewing her nails.

"Wheein ....what's wrong ??what happened??"

"I cheatedonhimwithagirl"

"Wheein slow down and tell me what you did "

"I cheated on him okay.I know I shouldn't have but she is so pretty and sexy"

"Wait a girl??"

Hyejin couldn't judge her or be mad at her bestie she was just sad and worried .

"Yes,I like her a lot .I started fucking her two days ago"

Hwasa started laughing at Wheein .

"So what you want to be in a three way relationship??"

"I don't know but I want the chance to love Tae and fuck her too"

"Wheein(laughing)just tell Tae I am sure he won't mind the occasional threesomes"

"I will talk to him today,will you go with me in case he tries to FUCK me up for cheating"

Hwasa just rolled on the floor in tears,Wheein made everything funny.

"Ooh so you want me to suffer with you??"

"Yes bitch ,that's what friends are for "

"Wheein ,we both know he will not mind .He didn't care when he saw you kissing that girl in the club"


Two days later

Hyejin was working from home for a week before she starts going to the office.Wheein was back with Tae and like she said he didn't mind that she hooked up with a girl.So basically Wheein had a boyfriend and girlfriend who were going to be fuck buddies.

She exercised for thirty minutes before She took her bath and started preparing breakfast for herself.She was wondering who was at the door ,it was still eight in the morning.

She opened the door for the person since her apartment wouldn't let strangers enter the building and how.Her heart skipped a beat when she came face to face with Joon.All her feelings started rushing back to the surface.

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