Chapter 4

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"Aren't clubs supposed to have like members and stuff for everything? Why are you scouting for some sub right before your Spring Break?"

Dustin, Mike and I walked through the halls of their school on our way to their campaign. Dustin bugged Steve until he gave in to drive us, because apparently, Eddie will not let them see another day if they were even a minute late.

"Yeah, it's just that," Mike replied, "One of our members is a basketball player too, and their championship game happened to be on the same night as Eddie's last campaign."

"Ah. A dilemma." I nod.

"Okay, so Eddie is our leader and he is usually revved up especially before a game," Dustin explains, "He might seem...scary."

"That's because he is," Mike adds. Dustin didn't add anything else, silently agreeing to Mike.

I smile to myself, "It's alright. He sounds like someone I can handle."

Oh, I can handle him alright.

"Do you have any questions?"

"Just one." I point to their Hellfire shirt. "Can I get one of this?"

"If Eddie won't have our heads, sure you can," Dustin replied.

"Meh. You both will be just fine. Don't worry."

"You don't know that," Mike frowned.

"Just trust me," 

Mike and Dustin shared a skeptical look as they led me through the halls of their school. We stopped in front of a room and the two boys opened the door for me.

The room was dark with some dim lights and a big table in the middle, and some of who I assume to be the other Hellfire members were inside. I recognize them as the other band members I saw that night in The Hideout.

A tall figure at the end of the table stood with his back on the door, but I can recognize that long, curly hair anywhere.

As I should. They were tangled between my fingers just a few days ago.

When he turned to face our direction, his eyes rested on me immediately. It hardly took him a second to recognize me, and I noticed how he quickly masked the surprise in his face. We arranged to meet each other tonight anyway, I just...couldn't wait anymore. And what can I do? The opportunity called.

There was a ghost of a smile on his face when he realized what I'm here for.

"Who is this?" he feigned oblivion.

"You asked for a sub," Dustin proudly—and quite nervously—said, "we delivered."

"And where did you find this lady?" he asked them curiously, but his eyes were on me.

"Actually, you won't believe this," Mike explained, "but she so happens to be Steve Harrington's half-sister!"

"Half-sister, but a sister nonetheless," Eddie smiles wider as he quoted me. "I didn't know a Harrington can play D&D."

Dustin laughed nervously behind me, "Harringtons! Their hair's so big because it's full of surprises, right?"

"What's your class and level, Lady Harrington?"

"Hopefully not level 1 dwarf." One of their members butt in, making the others besides Eddie, Dustin and Mike laugh.

I shot him a look that instantly shut him up. "I am actually way past being a level 1 dwarf," I said, putting my binder down on their table rested one hand there and leaned my weight on that hand, my gaze holding steady on Eddie's.

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