Chapter 9

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***Trigger Warning***

Mentions of abuse


With every step we took closer to Victor Creel, the colder I felt. Even with the thick cardigan Nancy lent me, I shuddered. I clenched my teeth tight, fighting against the jitters.

The director led us through the facility, passing by their garden where a lot of patients frolicked everywhere. A lot of them were enjoying the fresh air, some others were spaced out in their own personal version of reality.

After passing through the garden, Hatch led the way to a room. The walls were painted powder blue and classical music played within the walls. Patients and nurses alike interacted amongst each other. It looked like any other crowded room except for the fact that it's not.

"This is one of our more popular areas, the Listening Room," Dr. Hatch explained, "We found that music has a calming effect to the broken mind. The right song, particularly the one that has personal meaning, can prove a salient stimulus."

I silently followed them as I watched the patients do their business. Some of them drew, some were eating snacks, some were being handed their meds for the day.

I tried my best not to meet their eyes.

Nancy, Robin and I looked at each other. The three of us were obviously trying our best to conceal the fact that we are intimidated.

Little did we know that this was just the beginning of our intimidation.

Dr. Hatch straightened his back as we go through another door. I saw from where I stand that it seemed to be leading to a basement. As if this wasn't terrifying enough, Hatch unnervingly added, "But there are those...who are beyond cure..."

We descended the stairs together, and by the last step, a sign read Criminal Ward. I flinched almost violently when the door behind us slammed shut, and immediately reached for Robin's hand to give me a sense of grounding.

Robin squeezed my hand reassuringly and that was just about what I needed. I nearly regretted not bringing Steve along.

I swallowed the lump forming in my throat, trying my best to compose myself.

Remember, you are supposed to be an academic scholar.

"Actually, Dr. Hatch?" Nancy spoke for the first time, "Do you think it might be possible for us to speak with Victor...alone?"

Yes, because we're actually here to ask about dark wizards and alternate dimensions. Not very academic scholarly of us.


"I-I, uh, just think we would love the challenge of speaking with him without the safety net of an expert such as yourself," Robin replied, "Then we can really rub it in Professor Bradley's face..."

My eyes widened in shock and fought the urge to pinch Robin.

"Professor Bradley? I don't think I know a Professor Bradley--"

"Brantley!" Nancy saved, "She meant to say, Professor Brantley."

"Excuse us as we lose our sense of alphabet, Dr. Hatch," I chuckled nervously, trying hard to not add to his suspicion. I folded my hands together to appear more put together, even though in reality I was hiding my shaking hands. I can only hope that my skin didn't look too white from how tightly I was holding myself.

"We're just excited to speak with Victor. We know that in the future we can look back to this day as one of the most thrilling experiences in our careers."

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