Chapter 20

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Over the following hours, we have been polishing the multi-phased plan that we have to just as smoothly deliver it if we want all of us to make out of this mission alive.

The top one need for this mission was a different mode of transportation. We wouldn't be able to fit in Steve's car as much as we'd like. Even with Nancy's car it would still be difficult in terms of space and discretion. According to Dustin, their parents have been extremely worried and are looking for them. If someone so much as recognizes her car and tells their parents about where her car was last seen, it would totally blow off the plan.

Not to mention, the authorities will surely take Eddie away with no hesitation and who knows what they'll do to the rest of the group. We might all get named as accomplices or accessories to the crime or some shit like that. If we're talking about the authorities...the town however, might as well assume that we're some spawns of Satan and might come right up our asses with their pitchforks.

Erica did say that Jason started the hunt, feeding lies to the people of Hawkins that Eddie is some kind of vessel for the devil. The town took everything he said to heart. All of Hawkins is probably playing head bounty at this point.

Even with how upset I am of him right now, I couldn't help but snort at the fucking thought. Anyone who would look at the guy would assume a lot of things about him. But a devil-spawn leading a cult? That's bullshit. Even with being a drug-dealer, one look in his pathetic Bambi eyes and it's game over. For me, at least.

The second concern was the gear. As mentioned, we have to be prepared this time around. Weapons. Protective gear. Necessities that we can bring in the Upside Down like food and water because who knows how long killing a murderous monster in an alternate world will take. 

There should be no stone left unturned. There's too much at risk if we just wing this.

A sigh escaped my lips as everything suddenly felt heavier. Without thinking twice about it, I stood up and went to my drawer to reach for the roll I did that time Steve and I talked. Now is the best time to put it to use.

"Long time," I mutter to the roll on my fingers longingly before placing it between my lips and reaching for the lighter.

There was a time when smoking was just a bad habit to me. Something that will make peers in Lenora impressed of me, something I did so I can have friends.

But of course, Vecna has spoiled even my fucking vice for me. Made it seem like I was just going through a withdrawal back in the Upside Down when I was in fact showing symptoms of dying.

When my fingertips can't find my trusted lighter, I started rummaging through my drawer, grunting every three seconds when I still cannot find the darn thing.

"Can we talk about-"

"-Fuck!" I jumped at the sudden intrusion.


"You scared me!"

I turned to see Eddie closing the door, a look of question painted on his face.

"Sorry," I grunt, not really meaning the word since I was still feeling sour about him not siding with me and literally ratting out my plan to Steve to completely stop me, "I can't find my fucking lighter."


His pair of gentle, warm hands rested on both my shoulders and turned me around. Eddie held me firm with one hand while the other searched his pocket and fished out a lighter. He flicked it on, a thin flame danced at its wake and he put it closer to my blunt, lighting it.

I felt my fingers coil back to my palms, my nails digging to my skin a little at the sudden tension that built up.

He was close. Too close.

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