Chapter 13

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Tears streamed at the side of my face as I endured the sharp pain. No matter how much I kicked my feet, the bats were unbothered and kept feasting on my flesh. I helplessly watched the bats bite off slabs of my skin and watch my blood stain what's left of my clothes.

Suddenly, the bat that was choking me got stomped on and pinned on the ground, finally allowing me to inhale a lungful or two of oxygen when its tail fell limp. I looked up and almost teared up at the sight of Robin.

"Kill it, Nancy!"

She pinned the bat to the ground harder and another oar hit the bat square on the head, done intensely by no other than Nancy Wheeler herself.

"Hey there," she greeted breathlessly.

I winced at the sound of the bat's flesh squelching on the ground, but I couldn't say that I felt sorry for the little shit. After killing the bat that had strangled me, Nancy swung her oar to the bats on my sides, making them fly away but not completely retreating.

I got up on my feet as fast as I could to help fight, relief washing over me when I saw Steve free from the bats that were eating his sides, Eddie beside him with an oar in his hands as well as he fought the bats that were tormenting my brother.

He's going to be fine with Eddie right next to him.

So, I chose to stay and fight with Robin and Nancy.

I ignore the pain from both of my sides and the excruciating feeling doubled with every movement I make.

I ran to my thrown oar, not allowing another second go by that I'm defenseless, not allowing the two of them to get the grunt of the trouble brought by these menacing little shits.

"Blue, watch out!" Robin warned, but I was a second too late to turn around and avoid the bat.

Robin grabbed it by the tail and pulled, the creature dragging me with its claws on my clothes and skin. The bat suddenly let go of me, making Robin lose her footing. I quickly attempted to regain mine, and when I did, I swung my oar to the bat before it can target Robin.

"Stop. Trying. To. Kill. Us!" I hit it repeatedly until it became motionless.

Nancy swung on the last of the bats that were feasting on me earlier, leaving the three of us ladies finally free from the attacks.

I turned to the boys who were fighting the last of theirs. A bat flew towards Eddie and he stabbed the creature with the sharp end of his broken oar right on its mouth. Steve finally got the bat off of his neck after biting the end of its tail, and when it tried to escape, he pulled it back to throw it on the ground.

As I have said, his best class was Gym. However that bat weighted, it was featherlight to Steve. Or at least that's how it looked.

He repeatedly did this, the bat hitting the ground harder every time than the last. When the creature just won't die, he stepped on it, pulled on the tail, and tore the bat to two.

I watch as he spits blood from his mouth. It looked disgusting and nauseating at the same time, but thankfully the blood was the bat's and not his. 

"Steve," I sighed in relief, running to both him and Eddie immediately.

"Hey," he looked over at me, his eyes looking relieved as well. One of his hands rested on my shoulder. "You okay, B?"

"Missing chunks of flesh here and there, but great."

"Yeah, same."

"Jesus H. Christ!" all of us turned to Eddie at his outburst. "What the Jesus are those?"

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