Chapter 9 Goodbye

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Bella and Michael only had one more night together. Tomorrow Michael is going to be leaving. It's just going to be Bella and her Mom.

Bella wanted to spend her last night hanging out with Michael. It turns out Bella is staying at the house and Michael is moving out.

"My dad says that we are staying in the same neighborhood so I can finish High School." Michael smiled.

"So when you graduate we can move in together right?" Bella questioned.

"Yup!" Michael smirked and gave Bella a huge hug. Michael was on his last year of high school. He will be old enough to buy his own apartment next year. Michael and Bella are planning on moving in together. They both have savings from past years so they might be able to rent a small apartment.

Since Michael is leaving tomorrow morning, Bella wanted tonight to be special. When everyone fell asleep Bella snuck into Michael's bedroom.

"Hey babe." Bella whispered as she tiptoed into the room. She slowly walked over to Michael and kissed his cheek. "I love you! I can't believe this is happening!" Bella cried.

"We're going to work this out Bella. I love you and I won't let anything happen to our relationship." Michael squeezed her tight and let her rest her head on his shoulder.

"I hope you're right I couldn't live a day without you!" Bella looked into his watery eyes.

This was going to be the longest night ever. This was their goodbye. They would probably run into each other at school but they would never actually get to hang out. Bella was going to have to sneak out which was probably not going to be that hard.

With Michael it would probably be a little more difficult since his Dad is very protective. Michael's Dad never liked Bella and Bella's Mom never liked Mikey. It was going to be really hard to have a relationship but they would work it out because they loved each other.

"What if Calum comes over again?" Bella asked.

"Just don't let him fucking touch you. Everyday after school come to my house. We will make this work somehow. I don't want that asshole to lay a finger on you. You have my number. Text me if anything is wrong. I'll come as quick as I can. I'm sorry babe but I won't be there all the time anymore. I can't change this." A tear fell from Michael's eyes.

Bella couldn't grasp the fact that she wasn't going to have Michael by her side every second of her life anymore.

"Can we stay up all night and talk?" Bella stared into Mikey's eyes and prayed that he would say yes.

"Of course! I am not going to leave your side until I have to." Michael kissed her head softly.

"Do you want to go get in the shower?" Michael questioned.

"Sure my makeup is running down my face!" Bella laughed.

Michael and Bella stood up together and headed towards the bathroom. They had to quietly go into the bathroom right near the parents room.

When they finally closed the door Michael grabbed towels for the both of them. They were relieved that they hadn't been caught.

Michael leaned in and gently pressed a kiss against Bella's lips. Bella looked in the mirror and saw that her face was covered in mascara.

"Holy shit I'm a mess!" Bella screamed.

"You're beautiful and I love you more then the world." Michael whispered in her ear.

"I love you more then I love myself." Bella whispered back. They tried to not make to much noise so they wouldn't wake up their family. Bella and Michael slowly undressed. Michael opened the curtain and let Bella jump in first. She slipped and fell on her ass. They chuckled.

"I'm so stupid!" Bella laughed as her face turned a bright red. Michael followed her in. It was freezing cold when they first got in so Michael moved the small handle to hot. They enjoyed their time in the shower which was going to be one of their last times alone for a while.

When they finally got out of the shower they ran back into Michael's room. Michael slipped on boxers and a t-shirt. Bella just had a bra and underwear on.

"Hey could I borrow a t-shirt?" Bella asked Mikey.

"Sure." Michael answered as her threw a navy blue shirt at her face. Bella slipped it over her head and climber into Michael's bed.

Michael jumped into his bed right after Bella.

"Tonight was really fun. I just wish we could do it all over again." Bella sighed.

Michael agreed. They cuddled up close to each other and fell asleep. Michael lay a gentle kiss on her cheek before he turned off the lights.

They woke up in the morning to the whole family screaming. Michael had packed the night before so he was all ready.

Michael grabbed black jeans from his suitcase and slipped them on.

"Want your shirt back?" Bella asked.

"Nope you keep it." Michael smiled. "Whenever you're upset just text me I will always be here." Michael assured Bella.

A tear escaped Bella's eye and she held her heart necklace as tight as she could. Michael was leaving. Not forever but for to long.

Michael rolled his suitcase over to the door and checked to make sure he had everything.

"I'm missing something!" Michael frowned.

"What?" Bella looked confused.

"I'm missing you." Michael's eyes teared up.

"I'm going to miss you so fucking much Michael. You are my sunshine. I will text you every second I can. I'll see you tomorrow after school!" Bella cried and flew over to Michael to give him a tight hug.

"I love you! I will see you tomorrow!" Michael cried. Bella's head sunk into his chest and her tears soaked his shirt.

Michael was going to be leaving in a few minutes. Bella wanted to walk him outside so she decided to get dressed.

She quickly brushed though her hair and threw on black sweatpants. She wore the shirt Mikey gave to her and the necklace he bought her for Easter.

They held each other's hands for the last time and gave each other one last kiss. It was the longest and most special kiss yet. It was powerful. When he pulled away she felt like her life ended.

They walked down the stairs and out the door. They were in no rush to get to his car. When they finally reached the car Mikey whispered in her ear.

"I love you babe but I have to go. Text me later." Michael stated and it ended like that. He slowly lifted himself into the car and almost began to cry. Bella watched the car pull away and she stared into the distance until the car turned and was no longer visible.

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